Resident Evil 4 Vs Halo 2

On a pure technical level, which one is better?

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RE4, but thats probably due to the fact I've seen more RE4 clips than Halo2. The only thing I'd like RE4 to improve upon is the choice of colours. From environment to characters, they all seems too similar giving the impression of the old 16 colour on screen days of the ST. :LOL:

Don't tell me its the art direction!!

zurich said:
You think you could post something like that without it turning into a flame war? Ugh.

I'd like to believe we're mature enuff to handle this! :D
RE4 and halo are different kinds of games..

this question makes as much sens as choosing between pikmin and burnout 3..
Magnum PI said:
RE4 and halo are different kinds of games..

this question makes as much sens as choosing between pikmin and burnout 3..

No, it is very legitimate. The question isn't what is a better game, in which case the different genre excuse would be adequate, but which is technically better. I voted for Resident Evil 4. I'm incredibly impressed by its lighting effects. The scenes with the torchlight in the thunderstorm show the most impressive flame effect (flames themselves along with light cast by them) I've ever seen, the way that dust particles and smoke from the fired rounds mingle in the air are really incredible. I haven't seen anything that impresses me similarly in the Halo vids I've seen, though as someone else said before, I haven't seen as many videos for it.
I voted for RE4 because........ummmmm.......because RE4 looks better.

RE4 looks to have more detailed environments and characters and better lighting. I don't know if it is an ilusion created by better art direction, or technical.
Deepak said:
Where is MGS3 ;) . btw, this poll is irrelavent as both games are yet to be released.

Addendum: based on existing media. :D

RE4 art direction is more my liking. Technically, you have to play thru both to make a real call, but both are setting the standards.

*waiting for the PS2 to match*
I give my vote to Halo 2, as it seems to be doing more, technically, than RE4, which is more impressive, in an art-based way. Next to nothing's been shown of the single-player mode of Halo 2...which is where all of the graphics work will be seen.
Considering all we've seen so far is videos and screenshots, and art direction plays the biggest part in our brains to form an opinion on what looks best, i'm guessing this thread should be delayed until we actually know something more about Halo2. On paper in fact, Halo2 seems to be the most "advanced", however RE4 looks far better.
From what I've read, Halo2 will not have an advanced particle engine. It's just the usual nice shaders, lighting, texturing which RE4 already has. There's very little RE4 doesn't have other than DD5.1.
Ingenu said:
Neither are released, how to compare thing we can't play ?

We should rather be comparing MGS3 with RE4 then H2, whenever they are released. Both have similar (jungle) setting.
Deepak said:
Ingenu said:
Neither are released, how to compare thing we can't play ?

We should rather be comparing MGS3 with RE4 then H2, whenever they are released. Both have similar (jungle) setting.

More imporantly, both are third person action-y games,much easier to compare than a 3rd and a 1st person view ones...

And even then, what does "advanced" stand for anyway? polygons? textures? in the end one could look "better" than the other, even pushing less polygons and textures per frame, and people will say that tit would be more "advanced" when in fact it's just directed better than the actual more advanced engine on paper.
Re4 is set in a jungle?? Here I was thinking that it was rural south american woodlands and french cathedrals... silly me. :p ;)

I think the main reson that H2 and RE4 are somewhat hard to compare is that they are using very different methods to achieve fine looking games. Re4 is emphasizing polygonal detail, animation and texture variety (ie. the "Ps2 on steroids" look) with little to no shaders (that I have seen) while Halo2 is going the "shiny-shine" :)lol:) route with heavy emphasis on normal mapping and shaders.

Both have some nice lighting but imo Halo 2's seems to be better on a per-pixel level (although the new shadows are a bit sus) but I think that Re4's looks better in effect although I am still not convinced how much of it is dynamic.
ChryZ said:
:oops: 17:8 for RE4 ... I am sure Mikami-san is on the way to his boss to ask for a big, fat rise.

Everyone wants to see underdog win. :p Idea :idea: , we should have a Killzone vs MP2 vs H2 thread.
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