Research: Massive consumer belief in the PlayStation 3

Surveys of this type are dangerous, as there's little way to predict who's all talk and who'll back up their talk and actually reach into their wallets.

This type of survey would have more validity six months from now, when supply issues are not the major concern of would be buyers, the hype train has stalled and reality has set in.
It will suck to be MS this holiday season...

Nah, this season it will do just fine I reckon. It should certainly get close enough to its 10 million end of year target. 2007 is going to be a very interesting year, however!
The other funny part is, if 800,000 people are prepared to pay full price for 360, why don't they get off their assess and go get one!?

Maybe they will do so only with a gun against their head, they never said in the study under which circumstances they would be prepared...
hmmm typical 13 year old with 600 bucks + tax in his pocket (them more money to actually buy a game) I just don't see it, typically. Typical parent(s) of typical 13 year old, walks into Wally World one minute after Midnight on the day after Turkey Day & sees full price ps3 & full price wii. Typically I would think the wii is gonna win that one, especially of there is more than on typical 13 (to 17) year old in the house. Wii could be bought for multiple children.

Price (typically) amongst the masses rules.
hmmm typical 13 year old with 600 bucks + tax in his pocket (them more money to actually buy a game) I just don't see it, typically. Typical parent(s) of typical 13 year old, walks into Wally World one minute after Midnight on the day after Turkey Day & sees full price ps3 & full price wii. Typically I would think the wii is gonna win that one, especially of there is more than on typical 13 (to 17) year old in the house. Wii could be bought for multiple children.

Price (typically) amongst the masses rules.

Very generalistic view on the whole thing.

If the kid wants a PS3 and his parents come back with a Wii, said parents won't have an easy time let me tell you. Same goes the other way around of course. And i expect a lot of 20-30-something parents to much prefer coming back home with a PS3 than a Wii.
Gamers age has changed in the last few years. Today Sony are obviously not targeting the 13-year olds, they are targeting the older population with more disposable cash, or else they wouldn't have priced the PS3 like they did.
AFAIK "normal" parents tend to want their kids to lead a "normal" life that involves being outside and/or in contact with other kids. Gaming consoles are such an introverted thing. They're counterproductive in so many ways. Just look what became of me ;)

I suppose during the silly shopping season many parents will cave in and buy their kids what they want, but all in all I wonder if it's worthwhile to try and appeal directly to "normal" parents.
(hardcore gamers can sometimes become parents, too, but that's as rare and wonderful as it is different)
Price rules with the uninformed or unbiased consumer.

When I was young, I sure didn't really know or care about the difference between a collecovision and an atari. They both advertised, they both had great games. My parents bought me a 2600, and it was great. Would I have been upset if they had gone a different route? Nope.

Hmm.. how old was I at the time?, I was probably like 8-10 (don't remember if we got one the year it was released or not).

Are 13 year olds more biased than 10 year olds? Enough to have a sense of brand loyalty or really care about what they have compared to their friends?

I'm not so sure. Because even much later on, I remember we got a Genesis instead of whatever the latest Nintendo offering was (SNES?) to replace our aging Nintendo console and I was indifferent about getting one instead of the other. I didn't make that decision, my parents did. Presumably based upon price since they didn't play it. I was just happy to have a new game system that had better graphics and better games than the Nintendo I had been playing.
I'm not so sure. Because even much later on, I remember we got a Genesis instead of whatever the latest Nintendo offering was (SNES?) to replace our aging Nintendo console and I was indifferent about getting one instead of the other. I didn't make that decision, my parents did. Presumably based upon price since they didn't play it. I was just happy to have a new game system that had better graphics and better games than the Nintendo I had been playing.

Oh ya, I hated Genesis with a passion when I was like 12, huge Nintendo f@nboy :p
Oh ya, I hated Genesis with a passion when I was like 12, huge Nintendo f@nboy :p

It took my friends years to stop saying they were 'coming over to play nintendo' to 'coming over to play Sega', and then that continued even into the PS days.

'Wanna play some Sega?'

'Why? I've got a Playstation!'
