Her's my views on these issues.
ATI Quak Issue - To be honest I did not really pay much attention to this issue, heh. I mean yeah, I read what was being said out there and stuff, but I did not dive into the issue myself to see what was going on. I just let it play out, and did not get involved wtih it. I think it was hammered on to much myself, some people were making a bigger issue out of it then should have been. Though the issue did need to be brought to light, I think the fault was with the pesentation of the facts. It could have been handled more proffesionaly with just the facts. Also, as I have read the initial information that was posted was not actually true. The image quality was a bug, and had nothing to do with lower iq to gain fps. Therefor this issue was really just blown way outta proportion.
NVIDIA 3DMark Issue - I saw some sites comment on this, but that was it. I think this one could have used a lot more emphasis. If I recall correctly NVIDIA has done things like this in the past before? This should have definitely been brought to the lime light. Is NVIDIA lieing about it just being a bug? Well, obviously we don't know, heh. All we can do is go by their word and do our own research, as people have done in this thread already, to see.
Overall I think all cards are optimized in certain things over another card. I am 100% in favor of video card manufacturers implementing otpimizations with their video cards, this only helps us get the best perofmrnace/IQ for the game in question. However if they DO any kind of optimization I feel they definitely MUST document it with the drivers or something. I'm all for optimizations as long as it's well documented exactly WHAT they are doing and to maybe even go a step further and allow an option in the drivers to disable the Optimization if we so choose. That I think would satisfy everyone. The fact that a company would implement optimizations and not tell anyone, or lie, or hide the truth is not good in my book one bit, NVIDIA, ATI are both culprits for doing this, if not now defintely in the past. I'm not sure about other manufacturers, I would thinkg that others have as well.
I myself am biased toward no vid card company, well actually I was (and i guess still am) a huge fan of 3DFX, i will never let their name die
Then from there I became an ATI nut, i live and swore by ATI, then I tried some NVIDIA products and started using them too, so now I get to play with a lot more, and see their weakness and strengths, I have no loyalty toward one or the other though. I make sure to stick to the facts.
Also, just a quick comment about hardocp's postings of these issues. You are always welcome to contact me via email if you think something needs to be clarrified, or you have found more info, or you think something is wrong etc... I check my mail dialy
brent@hardocp.com If it is something I have no control over I will forward it to Kyle. You can also contact him directly about any news postings. I do not do the news, I am strictly writting reviews right now, so I have no control over the news section. I can't comment on Kyle's position on the Quake Issue or NVIDIA 3DMark issue, only he knows where he stands, you can contact him if you'd like, or contact me and I'll forward it to him.