There were some huge open areas on R&C: TODF. The dinosaur world for example was massive. Not to mention they said in their podcast a few months back that every game to come will be 60fps from R&C on.
Yes but Resistance 2 isn't R&CFTOD, the lighting in R&CFTOD isn't exactly its strong suit, Resistance 2 requires more sophisticated lighting/shadowing. It's not just about pushing polygons anymore, you need big environments that are also pretty and impressively lighted/shadowed, and lighting/shadowing in Resistance 2's case should NOT be sacrificed for trying to hit 60fps when a rock-solid 30fps works fantastically well. Resistance 1's main deficiency had always been the lighting/shadowing, NOT the lack of 1080p/60fps which are basically a couple of bullet points to put on the back of the box.