Realistic/Simulator Racing Games: I Always Spin Out! Help Please?


Hi! :)

I just recently got an Xbox 1, and before that my last system was a SegaCD w/ 32x. I played Virtua Racing on that, and have played the early Need For Speeds (up to Hot Pursuit) on my PC, but now that I've the X-Box, I've been trying newer racing games.

I seem to play the latest Need For Speeds pretty okay! Most Wanted, Underground, etc. But when I play the more realistic racing games, like Forza Motor Sport, I'm always spinning out on nearly every tight turn.

I just don't get what I'm doing wrong? I let up on the gas and tap the e-brake, but even still it happens. I've tried to find tips in GameFAQS guides, and had no luck; they seem to assume familiarity with "simulation" mechanics, which I don't have.

So how am I screwing up, and what should I be doing differently?

Thanks!!! :)
First off, don't use the e-brake. Second, slow down before the turn, rather than trying to brake during the turn.

That should give you a good starting point. Otherwise, just practice, practice, practice. Start off slow, then gradually work your way up. Take a few hotlaps at Sunday-driving speeds in low-end cars before you try tackling it top-speed in a Ferrari.
glance at your map to get an idea of how big the turn is to give you an idea of how much you need to slow down. or better yet, get used to the tracks so you're aware where the big and small turns are.

when you turn, you obviously want to maintain as much speed as possible, so you want to make the turn as straight as possible. to do this, you want to start on the outer part of the track, turn towards the inner center part of the track (the apex), then accelerate back to the outer track.

for high powered cars (especially RWD cars) don't give too much gas when you accelerate out of the apex, try to feather and/or gradually give it some gas until you're going straight again. if you stomp on the gas, your tail-end might kick out causing you to spin-out.
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Hi! :)

I just recently got an Xbox 1, and before that my last system was a SegaCD w/ 32x. I played Virtua Racing on that, and have played the early Need For Speeds (up to Hot Pursuit) on my PC, but now that I've the X-Box, I've been trying newer racing games.

I seem to play the latest Need For Speeds pretty okay! Most Wanted, Underground, etc. But when I play the more realistic racing games, like Forza Motor Sport, I'm always spinning out on nearly every tight turn.

I just don't get what I'm doing wrong? I let up on the gas and tap the e-brake, but even still it happens. I've tried to find tips in GameFAQS guides, and had no luck; they seem to assume familiarity with "simulation" mechanics, which I don't have.

So how am I screwing up, and what should I be doing differently?

Thanks!!! :)

You are most likely not taking the right racing line, which makes you turn too much causing you to spin out. You are also likely turning too late. So try turn sooner and turn less.

Use a slow / low HP car and learn the racing line, with low HP car and certain track, you can go flat out without needing brake if you take the right racing line.

Like Virtua Racing, if you take the right racing line, you can go flat out.
I just don't get what I'm doing wrong? I let up on the gas and tap the e-brake, but even still it happens. I've tried to find tips in GameFAQS guides, and had no luck; they seem to assume familiarity with "simulation" mechanics, which I don't have.

Here's a question? Do you drive in real life?
Word of advice: never use the e-brake. Real racing isn't the drifting antics you see so much about in popular culture. Depending on the car you're using, brake before you enter the turn, and aim for the apex, and once you round the apex, either wait until the curve is completed (depending on the situation) or accelerate out of the curve. It takes ALOT of practice, I've been playing Gran Turismo since the very first one, and the first GT was a real eye opener, it wasn't a simple arcade racer, it was realistic O_O
Another thing many people often don't realize is that it is far more important to get out of the turn fast than it is to enter it fast. Often you can slow your car down a lot just before the turn, take the turn and start accelerating while taking it. If you don't slow down soon enough you'll be fighting to keep your car on the road and you cannot accelerate as much and you'll loose time on the straight after the turn.
  • Before you get to a turn be next to the outside kerb.
  • Brake in a straight line only. Then turn., heading for the apex (the inner corner) try to just clip your inside wheels on it.
  • When you can see track straight ahead instead of kerb, start accelerating.
  • Use ALL of the track. So when you accelerate out of the corner, dont try to hug the inner kerb. Drift right out.
  • Hairpin turns are a bit different:
Stop playing NFS and games like it for a while, whilst you master the basics. I find that I pick up a lot of bad habits that I take back to my sim games, even if I just play an arcadey for half an hour.

Get a wheel and pedals! There's a reason we don't use joysticks to drive in real life. :)
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Thanks for the help guys! The big lesson that I take, collectively, from all of your posts, is basically: think like if you were REALLY driving.

I've just been so "trained" by arcade gameplay in racers that I wasn't even thinking about what I'd do if I were really driving the car. The fact that I'm using a controller - instead of pedals and a wheel - doesn't help at all either. So I'll keep playing with that in mind!

Thanks again! :)
Funnily enough, the first time I played Forza 2 I fired it up without looking at the manual. After being completely hopeless for the first hour or so I figured out that I was indeed using the "e-brake" to brake. Felt a bit stupid to be honest. Pushing the right buttons does help a lot.
[*]Hairpin turns are a bit different:
i do wider hairpin turns with the same method in mind... aim towards the apex, stay in the inner track and accelerate out of the apex. the only time i would use the method as illustrated above, is when it is a very tight hairpin turn... but thats just me of course. :smile:
"High in, low out."

That line is burned into my brain from watching "Cool Runnings" so many times as a kid. It always comes into my mind when playing racing games.
Hi again! Okay, I'm having a bit of trouble now --

Instead of spinning out, I'm sailing aimlessly. :(

Whenever I try to take a turn, I'll let off the gas a good while before, then bring up the brake slow as I come into the turn. But what happens, is I'll pretty much just keep sailing right through, "drifting" almost, until either I slam into a wall or push my E-Brake on.

I'm playing Forza Motor Sport 1 on X-Box, and with my D-Class car, an Audi TT, I can't take turn number 4 of the European Open Silverston Circuit Short at anything above about 55 MPH. Over that, and I sail aimlessly, as I typed above. If I go around that figure or below though, I can take it fairly okay, maybe occassionally slipping out into the grass just a moment or two. What's frustrating is that my computer opponents don't seem to lose nearly as much speed. Is this pretty normal, or what?

Also, should I be playing with ABS and the other "friendly" systems on, or should I turn them off?

Okay, thanks again, bye!
Forza has the option to turn on the best driving line along with indicators of when you should and should not brake. This will give you enough training in order to learn a course using the aids. Once you've mastered it, drive with the aids off and you'll notice your improvement.

Forza is a really good simulator for "real racing" as opposed to series like NFS which focus more on slot-car/flashy driving. Real racing is less exciting at first, but there's certainly a lot more skill involved. Give it a shot.
Hi PAranoia! I've tried the aids, and with them I tend to sail off of the road during the hard turns. I bring up the brake if it's yellow, or bring it down hard if it's red, and keep it down so long as it's red, but I soon lose control and drift into the grass. I'll leave them on though, they might help.
Hrmm - in that case make sure you're turning on ABS. I don't consider ABS a "cheat" or "aid" since you'd be hard-pressed to find a high performance car that didn't have it on.

Do you find yourself sliding before the corner? And you're also not braking and accelerating at the same time? Also try and ease on the brake - don't put your foot to the floor (finger to the maximum trigger length) all at once, just like you wouldn't brake by stampign your foot down in real life... keep it steady and easy and you should make it through in one piece.

One other bit of advice... in Forza, brake when you start seeing the colour change in the turn rather than waiting until you're in the yellow/red, since red means "you're going way too fast!" rather than "this is a really sharp corner". A smooth race would have the line green the whole time, with a great race (once you get perfect not sliding out) would keep you going as fast as possible throughout the corner, hitting yellow - but you can't get that right until you realise just how fast or slow you need to take the corner in the first place. Keep an eye on the speed you enter the corner while you're going really slowly into it, keeping the line green, and then gradually work that speed up until you get to the stage when you can identify that, say, 70kph means you can take the corner without spinning, but 75kph means you start to slide.
Hi again! Okay, I'm having a bit of trouble now --

Instead of spinning out, I'm sailing aimlessly. :(

Whenever I try to take a turn, I'll let off the gas a good while before, then bring up the brake slow as I come into the turn. But what happens, is I'll pretty much just keep sailing right through, "drifting" almost, until either I slam into a wall or push my E-Brake on.
Well this is progress. You want to brake hard to get all the weight into the front. If you are going through with massive understeer, you are either going too fast or still turning too late. Try turning earlier and pick an earlier braking point too.

I'm playing Forza Motor Sport 1 on X-Box, and with my D-Class car, an Audi TT, I can't take turn number 4 of the European Open Silverston Circuit Short at anything above about 55 MPH. Over that, and I sail aimlessly, as I typed above. If I go around that figure or below though, I can take it fairly okay, maybe occassionally slipping out into the grass just a moment or two. What's frustrating is that my computer opponents don't seem to lose nearly as much speed. Is this pretty normal, or what?

If you can, tail a CPU car or watch the replay from one of the CPU car and see how they take the corner and try to mimic it.

Also, should I be playing with ABS and the other "friendly" systems on, or should I turn them off?

Okay, thanks again, bye!

Have ABS on, but learn to use the manual transmission.