Re-install time, damn it!



My wife's PC's wonky hard drive is finally dying for good, now it crashes after only about 15 minutes of use. So I'm doing a bit of formatting/partitoning to the 3 drives on my PC and am gonna be transfering on out for hers.

Problem: the best one to transfer to her is my primary OS install.

So I have to re-install XP. I've had this one a long while now and re-installing has lost its considerable power to charm me a while ago.

Thus I whine. :p


Any advice for the re-install? I was almost thinking of trying XP lite...
Use NLite to configure an XP disk for you.

You can turn off and get rid of annoying crap that you have to fix when you install windows beforehand :)

Or, just buy a new drive for her! You can get 250/300 gigs for $70-90 now!
Yeah, I know drives are cheap...but we're even cheaper right now. :oops:

Besides, I got 2x200Gb sATA drives in Bubbles and an old 80Gb IDE...I've kind of been meaning to do this for years. ;)

(She gets the IDE....)
Re-install time, damn it!
You know you've been working too long with *nix when you read the subject and automatically assume the sysadmin has deleted /usr/bin/time by accident.... :???:
You can go back in time using *nix?:O

What about all that lost time that I've wasted? Can that be used somehow?

Could I hack time, and make it pass more slowly?

I am interested in my own ideas, and would like to subscribe to my newsletter.
No way, she's still got a Tuly in her rig! :oops:

Today I gotta do it, her HD can't stay up for more than 15 minutes anymore.

I'm just waiting to make my ratio on something, then I'm taking all systems down and doing some fun stuff. :)
Oh man, I'm nervous! I just got my wife's PC pulled, cleaned up (dusty as HELL!!!), and pulled her HD. I got my ratio all safe and I'm about to power down me precious Bubbles and wipe out this fine XP install. :???:

The only thing stopping me is the fear, but it's stopping me cold....gotta shake it off. :oops:


Ok, I'm ready...wish me luck. :)
Yeah sure, it's open source. Grab it, make your changes, recompile, ..., profit!

I tried

time.exe -1000 -years -88mph

but it didn't work.

What's a compiler?

I just renamed time.c to time.exe


EDIT: Good luck digi. You'll be fine.

As long as no one tells your wife that you keep all the GOOD hardware for your own use :D :D :D
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Oh man, I'm nervous! I just got my wife's PC pulled, cleaned up (dusty as HELL!!!), and pulled her HD. I got my ratio all safe and I'm about to power down me precious Bubbles and wipe out this fine XP install. :???:

The only thing stopping me is the fear, but it's stopping me cold....gotta shake it off. :oops:


Ok, I'm ready...wish me luck. :)

Gosh.. you sound like Mr. Arnold in Jurassic Park about turning off the power grid. Good luck, and don't get eaten. ;)
Oh man, never try and rebuild two PCs you like while tending/feeding 2-3 kids and puppies. Makes for a loooooong afternoon/evening! :oops:

Almost back up to speed, both systems got a basic XP install with all viddy/sound drivers. Still working on the mice and TV cards... :rolleyes:

Got about 30 minutes before my wife gets up, and I have no clue what I'm making for dinner either. :???:
No it wouldn't, then I'd have to un-install all that crap. :???:
I just keep a 40 gig hard drive that has a install of windoes on it with the software installed so all I have to do is ghost it over to the new or harddrive thats going to be the main drive. This way system is up in less then a hour.
Digi, you really should try nLite. It makes all these things so much painless.
The problem with that is it is VERY seldom that I have the same set-up the next time I need to do a re-install. :???:

Besides, I kind of like it. It's a nice, relaxing procedure that I always seem to learn something new from. :)
The problem with that is it is VERY seldom that I have the same set-up the next time I need to do a re-install. :???:
That isn't required: you only have to use the same version of Windows. It only takes about half an hour. And you learn a lot of new things. ;)