RD550 & RD600 Details, Dongle-less CrossFire, full HDCP support

Fodder said:
Looks like the upcoming IGP chipsets (R*6*0) are being plugged as AVIVO-capable, so I guess that spells an end to that bizarre X700 prediction that was floating around. Anyone care to lay odds on hardware vertex shading finally making an appearance?

On RS690? My gut reaction: Slim and none. And Slim is looking at his watch. I suspect getting the "Vista Premium" label for Avivo HD is much more important to them than DX10 in the next IGP.

And, now, for an opposing view, my evil twin: Well, hell, RS482 has a "4" innit, doan it? And is an R4xx kinda part (X300)? RS690 has a "6" innit, doan it? Well, there ya go.