Ray tracing rest of your life - confusion between 'light' and 'light sources'

Dear all,
I am trying to understand Peter Shirley's 'Ray - Tracing - rest of your life' (I have successfully incorporated part 1 & part 2 of his series in
my geometric modeller hobby project).
In the source code for the same (in main.cc) - line 37 - a quad shape emitting light source (of type 'diffuse_light') is created, but again
at lines 50- 53, there is a reference to 'light sources' (1 quad and 1 sphere apparently) which are added to the collection of lights which are
to be sampled (and used in ray_color method (of the camera class).
So I am confused now - shouldn't the first quad (the actual light emitter) be the only light to be added to the light collection? What is the role of
the 2nd 'light sources' collection?