Questions regarding tcp...


beyond noob
1. What is a "half-open" tcp connection?
2. What is an "endpoint" connection?
3. Why did sp2 limit the number of tcp outbound connections to 10? Isn't that number insufficient for the majority of users?

mito said:
1. What is a "half-open" tcp connection?
2. What is an "endpoint" connection?
3. Why did sp2 limit the number of tcp outbound connections to 10? Isn't that number insufficient for the majority of users?


This is from memory:

1. A connection in the process of being made. You've requested a connection, and are waiting for the other end to reply.

2. Not really heard of that. Unless it's some kind of jargon, it's just the "other end" of the connection. Possibly a connection that runs though routers and other machines to get to the destination, but that's pretty redundant as just about every connection does that nowadays.

3. That's actually open connection attempts per second, so it won't affect that many people. It's supposed to slow the spread of worms like Nimda that directly attack other machines ie, addresses the symptoms rather than the problem.
Heavy apps that use lots of connections have for the most part already been adapted to work with this limitations. If it's really a problem, there is a patch out there that changes tcpip.sys to whatever limit you like.
mito said:
1. What is a "half-open" tcp connection?
A connection that's closed in one direction while still remaining open in the other direction. Say you're running a remote shell command on a local file: 'sh remote sort < datafile'. The sort program on the remote host will not start sorting the data until it has read all the data, this event is indicated by the local host closing the connection and the sort program responding to the corresponding EOF indication. However, the return connection must remain open for the retrieval of the processed data. (Edit: Damn my networking basics are rusty. I can't remember if these 'half closed' connections are techically different from a 'half open' connection as in an incomplete connetion attempt. *shame*)
mito said:
2. What is an "endpoint" connection?
A network endpoint is the 'final destination' for network protocol traffic of a specific protocol layer. For TCP this will be a combination of the IP adress and the TCP port, for an Ethernet connection it's a MAC adress and so on.