Question regarding primaries


I don't quite understand the procedures of the primaries.

In the democratic primaries, who are allowed to vote?
If only democrats, how do you control that? Is it only open for members of the party?
If everyone is allowed to vote, what stops republicans from voting on the candidate they think have the least chance to win over Bush?

Is it the same in republican primaries (provided a democratic president, since I assume that the sitting president is more or less automatically his party's candidate)? I vaguely recall hearing that republican and democratic primaries don't work quite the same way.
ok this gets complicated really fast. Some primaries allow anyone to vote in them. And yes that does allow the other side to vote for the weaker candidate. Some primaries only allow those of that party and independents. And other primaries only allow those of that party to vote.

You can choose what party your aligned with during voter registration.
horvendile said:
Uh... thanks, BTW.

epicstruggle said:
Some primaries allow anyone to vote in them.

Does that differ between states or parties? Or both?
usually both parties in a particular state will have the same rules.
for more in depth explanation go to
and click on the link "primary explainer" located below "states" drop down box towards the left edge.
you might be able to just click this link instead:

hope this answers it better.