Puppeteer [PS3]


Wow this game look pretty good bet the 3d effects will be awesome:


taken from GAF


more info here:

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We go years without seeing anything out of Sony Japan studio, and now we suddenly have 2 great looking games. (This and Rain.)

I'm surprised they choose GamesCom to unveil them. They often show games first in their own market. Makes me wonder if they are ready show something at TGS from Team Ico or PD.
We go years without seeing anything out of Sony Japan studio, and now we suddenly have 2 great looking games. (This and Rain.)

They have a new boss [Allan Becker, founder of Santa Monica studios] who restructured them and created new direction. These are first results.
They have a new boss [Allan Becker, founder of Santa Monica studios] who restructured them and created new direction. These are first results.

I did read about that. Apparently the guy is pretty good. And if any devs needs some direction it's PD and Team Ico.
This looks awesome, can't wait!

I hope there is some sort of PS Vita cross-play or "take the puppets with you" functionality:)
It's an interesting setup. I heard that the game really works with stages, and because not much is scrolling around, they made it so the lighting is just like on a real stage, and the level designers can can rig it like a real stage show with some 164 spotlights casting shadows.
I love the more light-hearted feel of games like this, Rain and Tearaway from Sony WWS.

It makes me glad to support them taking risks like these on games that are not full to the brim of voilence and killing. Not that I really have anything against those types of games, rather it's nice to have a bit more variety every once and a awhile. And it's nice to see a publisher actually putting some effort because these kinds of ventures, as on most other platforms its just the violent AAA games, and then shovelware.

This game reeks of LBP-like charm. It's a day one purchase for me.

Well done SCEJ.

Hoping now they can set to making me a Patapon game for PS3 and Vita ;-) (Perhaps a Patapon RPG for PS3)

Oh... and a new Parappa game :D
The trailer looks unbelievable. Amazing art and originality. Truly a work of art. Magical like nothing else. What a unique creation!!!! :)
New Trailer!


One of the limitations of being set on a stage actually helps out in looks department. Being set on a stage, only a fixed camera is required, freeing up precious CPU cycles to do something else. Moore and his team decided to use this extra power to pump into a virtual full theater lighting rig, which he says lets him do "incredible things." Again, you'll have to see Puppeteer running in person to fully appreciate this, but it absolutely sparkles with its up to 140 fully volumetric lights shining in real time. Spotlights sweep overhead and highlight the action while floods and other effects really sell the stage setting.

New Pics




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NYCC Hands-on Preview


Retail Confirmation and Reported Playtime:
Puppeteer is due out exclusively on PlayStation 3 sometime in 2013. The developer showing me the game refused to give a more exact time table for the game’s release, other than to reiterate that it is indeed a retail release. But he did tell me that the game is long. Very, very long for a title in the genre, in fact. He said that if you blew through the game, avoiding extra stages, collecting goods and other exploration, it’ll still take you 15 hours. But if you find bonus levels, all of the game’s heads and other collectibles and pay attention to collectible Moonsparkles (which give you an extra life for every 100 collected), you can expect to spend far more time with it than that.
Let's hope the gameplay matches the presentation. Rayman Origins has spoiled me.

Yeah, that is true! For instance, I hope for a more previse control than in the Little Big Planet games. I got used to the physics based gameplay of those game, but I hope that this game plays different.