PSX(Not PSX1), not really a PSX2+Video Recorder....
An interesting interview with the dude who oversaw the PSX(Not PSX1) development...

He says the goal was not to extend the PSX2's capabilities, but simply to offer a personal video recorder. PSX2OAC was chosen simply because it offered a fast graphical menu response time, and they even thought about disabling the game-playing feature because it wasn't considered to be important...
Jesus holy mary....

Deadmeat, it's:

PS1 = Playstation (the original)
PS2 = Playstation2 (the console)
PS3 = Next-gen Playstation
PSX = PS2+DVD-R and all those extras
PSX2 = Doesn't exist
PSX3 = Doesn't exist
the title of this thread almost makes no sense????

in any case yeah their pretty much pushing it a a media box for the home.
Yes, and it says it in such a straightforward manner through translation software, too. o_O Heh.

Just what are you grasping for this time, DMGA? Since the PSX was announced we've known exactly what kind of device it is, and exactly what its dominant features and aimed market would be. And because of that I can certainly see them debating whether to leave the game-playing intact, as it can in many ways confuse the sector being aimed at being yet another blurring of devices. Will adults with no real interest in gaming but are looking for high-end media center devices want something like the PSX, or will they mentally associate it with "games" and therefore not think it professional enough? Aesthetically the unit is good-looking and geared towards them, but will consumers turn away from because they think their PVR/DVD-burner would be "too kiddy"? <shrugs> Certainly something to worry about, considering the device will NOT appeal primarily to gamers, being at least half a grand more than current options. Marketing and consumer appeal are always huge factors, and all sides are likely to be discussed before a big launch.
DeadmeatGA said:
An interesting interview with the dude who oversaw the PSX(Not PSX1) development...

He says the goal was not to extend the PSX2's capabilities, but simply to offer a personal video recorder. PSX2OAC was chosen simply because it offered a fast graphical menu response time, and they even thought about disabling the game-playing feature because it wasn't considered to be important...

...but since they DID include game-playing, it still IS a PS2+Video Recorder :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

So what is your point?
He says the goal was not to extend the PSX2's capabilities, but simply to offer a personal video recorder.

Can we all get a nice big "DUH!"

PSX2OAC was chosen simply because it offered a fast graphical menu response time, and they even thought about disabling the game-playing feature because it wasn't considered to be important...

First of all, the chip HAS a proper name ("EE+GS@90nm" believe it or not), and for somebody who supposedly follows Sony trends to closely I'm surprised you didn't catch on with this since SCEI made a big deal about marketing the chip to internal divisions for use in CE devices.
Well, if that's what the article actually translates out to, then I'm glad they ultimately decided not to disable PS2 game playing in the PSX. I would have been less interested in the device if they had.
Too busy burning things in effigy. Hehe...

At any rate, I thought they used "SOC" references more often with that? Certainly would be less cumbersome than saying "EE+GS@90nm." :p
Paul's current sig: [PS3] 1.2Gpixel/sec fill rate

So is this a one pipe design at 1200MHZ or a two pipe design at 600 MHz. Either way I fail to see how this will lead to anything short of PS3 being to biggest disaster in consumer electronics history.
So is this a one pipe design at 1200MHZ or a two pipe design at 600 MHz. Either way I fail to see how this will lead to anything short of PS3 being to biggest disaster in consumer electronics history.


Dude, I know the specifications are so horribly bad(shit basically) and for the most part make no sense. However there is a reason for it ;)

PS1 = Playstation (the original)
PS2 = Playstation2 (the console)
PS3 = Next-gen Playstation
PSX = PS2+DVD-R and all those extras
PSX2 = Doesn't exist
PSX3 = Doesn't exist
Sony-related names

Code Name : Product Name
Playstation = SNES CD
PSX = PlayStation
PSX2 = PlayStation 2
PSX3 = PlayStation 3
Some DVD burner = PSX


PlayStation(aka SNES CD)


PlayStation-eXtension(aka PSX)


PlayStation 2(aka PSX2)
Dead, Playstation was never called PSX other than by the press after it was unveiled and officially christened Playstation. The way to contract the name is PS


Now stop this nonsense once and for all.

I read the article over, there is a general purpose DSP handing the MPEG encoding and audio while PSX2OAC only handles MPEG playback and GUI. Seems to me that PSX2OAC is being used as a fancy inhouse GPU for the PSX.
Grall said:
Dead, Playstation was never called PSX other than by the press after it was unveiled and officially christened Playstation. The way to contract the name is PS


Now stop this nonsense once and for all.

actually at the gamestop I worked at we had promotional items that said PSX . They even had it on a few comercials back in the day .
The PSX title was an unofficial leftover from the begining of Playstation's release. Magazines and such had various version of what PSX ment like Playstation eXperimental, Playstation eXtreme, and this case Dead's Playstation eXtension. There is no real choice of what it was since it wasn't the official name given to the complete product.

There is only the Playstation logo on both Playstion 1 and Playstation 2; there is no X anywhere in it. As such, there might reasonable use for PSX on PS1 because of it's history and reference but none whatsoever on PS2 as is not Sony's first "eXperimental" console but a successor. The fact they placed nice big letters of "PS2" on the system itself asks why would anyone call it PSX2? I mean you don't go around asking for "Playstation X Two":

"You have PSX2?"

"A what?"

"You know, Playstation X Two."

"Is that a new X-men 2 game for Playstation?"
No-name said:
I mean you don't go around asking for "Playstation X Two":

"You have PSX2?"

"A what?"

"You know, Playstation X Two."

"Is that a new X-men 2 game for Playstation?"

Re: ...

DeadmeatGA said:
PlayStation-eXtension(aka PSX)
PlayStation 2(aka PSX2)

Hey, Dead, is the machine´s name a part of SCEI´s evil hidden agenda? I mean, afterall, you KNOW what Ken Kutaragi is up to, aren´t you? :LOL:

Come on, now you´re contradicting the official, factual name that is actually on the machine? You really are something. :LOL: