PSP Launching Price : Japan 48,000 Yen, UK : ~250 Pounds

hey69 said:
time that UK joins the freakin EU I would say! 8)

OT but the UK have been a member of the EU since 1973 (if not for Chuckie d.G. it would have entered a decade sooner). It is not a member of the European Monetary Union (EMU), a subset of EU nations which all carry a common currency (Euro).
Re: ..

akira888 said:
And on Kyro:
What matters is that PVR built an ASIC that was more silicon-efficent than any other GPU released at that time. To blame them for STM's piss-poor marketing and distribution of Series 3 is somewhat unfair.

Yep. It's a good thing no one did.

Teasy said:
But anyway I'm not going to take this thread further off topic by posting the big reply I had written Instead I'm taking this discussion to PM's.

Sounds good to me.
hey69 said:
I'm myself from Belgium
That implies that everyone in Europe actually knows how Europe works in its intricacies. I know i don't fully know the details, and i've studied it for years, both in Italy and here. I don't even think big names in politics know everything there is to know...
well everybody know here that UK is part of EU but doesn't use the EUROS... what's more to know for the average Joe? anyway, ... whatever...
Eh... unless you think UK is somehow it's own continent, it's part of the Europe, yes. That's what they are teaching us in the schools in the rest of the world.
marconelly! said:
Eh... unless you think UK is somehow it's own continent, it's part of the Europe, yes. That's what they are teaching us in the schools in the rest of the world.

It's a bit more complicated than that, but yes, geographically the UK belongs to Europe.

back to topic...
hehe, some last bit, when I say EU, i mean The European Union and not EUROPE as a continent.
Enough EU talk, what i wanted to know is, first of all, why was DM's thread locked? The one about PSP having 32MB Ram, therefore making it even more expensive. It was a VERY good scoop. I guess it was ruined by the usual bickering... Well, either way, can we talk about it on this thread instead, without all the fighting?

That was one good piece of news.

Second point was.... errr... I forgot the second point, will get back to me eventually... :|
london-boy said:
Enough EU talk, what i wanted to know is, first of all, why was DM's thread locked? The one about PSP having 32MB Ram, therefore making it even more expensive. It was a VERY good scoop. I guess it was ruined by the usual bickering... Well, either way, can we talk about it on this thread instead, without all the fighting?

I think because any time a DM thread gets a little nasty a huge flame war is inevitable. By the way, PC3200 DDR 256MB on is $29US. So 32MB should be fairly inexpensive I suppose, assuming it's external (and I honestly can't see how it would be anything but external).

hey69: You're Belgian? Then what's the "seni gibi fistigi yakalarsam" signature? Please don't tell me that means what I think it does.

Ty: Series3 was a failure because STM was in internal disarray at the time, and didn't know which direction it wanted to take. The technology PVR had was excellent, if maybe a bit less feature rich than GeForce 1 and Radeon 1, although few apps ever used those features (T+L mainly) at the time.
london-boy said:
It was a VERY good scoop. I guess it was ruined by the usual bickering... Well, either way, can we talk about it on this thread instead, without all the fighting?
Didn't you just answer your own "why did it get locked" question? ;)

It is a good point, but we still have to see what form the RAM is taking--is it now just a global external pool of 32MB (likely the 2MB VRAM and media engine eDRAM submemory stay the same), or did they toss 24MB on top of the initial 8MB main eDRAM plan? The spec upgrade could certainly have a bit to do with variance in price expectations from comments, but it's hard to guess what and how much just yet.
as usual cheapest 199, not surprise if it reaches 299. Sony intending to make a profit out of hardware probably means more. hmm...
EA just said on their conference call they expect Sony to price PSP at $199-249 with software at $39.99. A release date of November or perhaps early December and for Sony to ship 3m by March 2005.


Also from EA call. Expect 8-12 PSP titles (from EA) in fiscal year (to March 31 2005), existing franchises, features that'll make the compelling, hopefully. R&D costs higher than GB, $1-2m per title range.
Expect margins to be better than GB since it isn't a cartridge format but haven't seen Sony's model yet. Really bullish on platform.

I be thinking, like Faf said, throw in a PalmOS, upped the memory and stay it as 299(not that it may be 299 originally even), include 2 batteries. It be really cool to attract more tech people. Wont hurt Sony since they are making a profit outta hardware. :)
Wont hurt Sony since they are making a profit outta hardware.

And again, you cannot state this like it's fact. SCEJ doesn't want to let anyone know they may be taking losses per unit sold, it's not good news for investors EVER. Do you really think they would let Deering announce to the world "Hey, yea, we plan to bleed out of our asses with PSP hardware for upwards of 3 years, we hope to make it back.

Time will tell, until E3; just wait IMO.
Paul said:
Wont hurt Sony since they are making a profit outta hardware.

And again, you cannot state this like it's fact. SCEJ doesn't want to let anyone know they may be taking losses per unit sold, it's not good news for investors EVER. Do you really think they would let Deering announce to the world "Hey, yea, we plan to bleed out of our asses with PSP hardware for upwards of 3 years, we hope to make it back.

Time will tell, until E3; just wait IMO.

Am not taking it like fact, just heeding what was said by a high up Sony dude in a past interview. So Deering is faking it? Hmm?

There is no SCEJ only SCEI and i think their investors know their past projects are to be taking losses early on, so PSP taking losses wont surprise them. But expecting to make a profit off hardware is surprising IMHO.

ACUTALLY, EA estimated 199-249 is pretty conservative. KOEI was expecting even higher, much higher!
Am not taking it like fact, just heeding what was said by a high up Sony dude in a past interview. So Deering is faking it? Hmm?

I never said he was faking it, he maybe doesn't know the whole story, it COULD be true, this I admit.

There is no SCEJ only SCEI

There is an SCEJ, The Japan division where the headquarters is located, this is why I used SCEJ instead of SCE or SCEI, same shit though :)

i think their investors know their past projects are to be taking losses early on, so PSP taking losses wont surprise them.

Taking losses on hardware is nothing to be extremely proud about, investors won't like it either way, even if Sony did do this with past consoles.

ACUTALLY, EA estimated 199-249 is pretty conservative.

I wouldn't say conservative.. I would say that would be a good price for PSp to launch at concidering what it does.

But anyway, this talk about price is just dumb, we won't know the full story until E3.
chapban. said:
I be thinking, like Faf said, throw in a PalmOS, upped the memory and stay it as 299(not that it may be 299 originally even), include 2 batteries. It be really cool to attract more tech people. Wont hurt Sony since they are making a profit outta hardware. :)
From what I've heard, they are planning on having at least baseline PDA functionality with the device, and since they use PalmOS pretty exclusively they may well have a variant in there (or at least something made to look and function similarly, and swap data between easily).

No idea how "on the go" functionality will work, though, as I don't think it was ever mentioned that their LCD screen would be touch-sensitive. (And even then, it's not smart to use Graffiti on a screen you want primarily used for clear display gaming.) On the whole, I figure it will be more of a "data storage" than entry use--storing address books, date calendars, and random stuff, but transferred in from PC or other devices. Perhaps with an imput device for separate purchase, but I don't think it would have one right in the package.
PSP obviously won't be $149. nor will it be $299

at this time, there isn't a good enough reason to go against the price EA is expecting. $199 to $249

might be $229 or anything in between $199~$249
hm that was in dollars? i was already thinking it was euro.

that equals to aprox 165 euro - 209 euro. thanks to low value of $ -> €
but probably in reality it will be a dollar to EURO conversion 1 on 1 if not more