PSP games downloadable, homebrew games possible?

Security this sort of stuff is easy, forget about using this route to load unlicensed content unless they are braindead about their DRM scheme (of course that wouldnt be the first time).
Have you seen a MD player in the last few years? It's no more than around 3-4 3.5" floppies stacked, and they don't weigh very much at all.

Anyway, UMD is higher capacity than HiMD, and as they're not rewriteable they're more secure.
Hi-MD or any recordable disk works against what they're trying to promise the industry, however, which is a good anti-piracy scheme. (Since they're trying to promote not just games but other media on it as well.) Offhand, homebrew games don't usually get THAT huge, so they'll fit on much smaller MS modules by and large. It could possible be a refuge for 2D gaming as well, as the people who love it most can contruct their own games (or tools for others to make their on a la RPG Maker) for the environment, which would certainly be funky.

As with most things, however, "the industry" takes precedence.
Re: ...

Deadmeat4 said:
If SCEI is serious about downloadable content, then they have a wrong medium to boot. PSP should have come with a Hi-MD drive and not UMD, because no one's going to pay a king's ransom for a memory stick of a decent capacity(~256 MB).

SanDisk 256 MB Memory Stick is ~$65, in May 2004.

PS. Independent of PSP, I kind of think Hi-MD as the iPod competitor scheme could actually work, presuming Sony can keep the size down..

Hi-MD discs will likely be the same size as current MD ( the difference if there is any would be like 10-15% ) and the players will be as small as reliable as all NeTMD players have shown themselves to be ( they are great ).
Who cares if Sony's Memory Stick devices cost $100: I will buy the much cheaper SanDisk and Samsung ones and so will the other PSP users :p.
You'd be surprised how many people go for "name brands" on things like that, which I don't much understand. If the difference were only $5 or something...? Sure. But it's not like we're dealing with highly complex machines here and in pursuit of quality... they're just chips in plastic, dammit! Some people just like different names inked on the case, I guess. Heh...
Panajev said:
Who cares if Sony's Memory Stick devices cost $100
Actually you can get them a lot cheaper then that from the right places. Granted Sandisk is still cheaper, but the price difference is far from being drastic nowadays.

It goes without saying that competing flash memory media with the right brand name is also more costly, Sandisk tends to be the lowest price across all formats.

McFly said:
So it is very likely that homebrew games are possible and from what I heard coding games on the PSP is not very hard.
That will depend on what tools eventual homebrew market will have available (if any). While Linux kit on PS2 was more caterring to fanbase then anything else, Sony still had some motivation to do it from the whole "PS2 as a cheap PC" perspective.
Will there be the same motivation for PSP as PPC competitor? We'll see I guess...

It would be nice though - I always like to think of stuff like that as the spirit of Amiga living on in new devices... :oops:
digitalwanderer said:
Uhm, you do realize posting a link like that is against the rules and grounds for banning as well as being most unhoopy.....right? :???:

Beyond the stupid spambot, this thread is kind of interesting now. 2 years later (to the day almost!) and we're just getting to see the beginnings of a downloadable future (Loco Roco demo released recently)...
I can download a Loco Roco demo for the PSP? F-word, I totally missed that! :oops:

How, where...wait a tic, I'll go read the thread and figure it out...I just sort of jumped to his post from a quick post history search from the thread he crapped in. :oops:

Thanks for telling me though, I've really wanted to give that one a's been getting rave reviews. :)
digitalwanderer said:
I can download a Loco Roco demo for the PSP? F-word, I totally missed that! :oops:
You have to update your system to the new 2.7 firmware though. All the new UMD games are going to require it as well. Fucking Sony.
ANova said:
You have to update your system to the new 2.7 firmware though. All the new UMD games are going to require it as well. Fucking Sony.
Nuts. No way I'm giving up my 1.5 firmware just yet. :(
digitalwanderer said:
Nuts. No way I'm giving up my 1.5 firmware just yet. :(

I don't understand the logic behind this... I've seen this countless times too!

People complain there aren't any good PSP games, but every time one comes out those same people won't upgrade to play them! (not saying that's necessarily what you do, but you're post just reminded me of something that bothers me).

What does 1.5 offer that is so great? I mean, honestly...

I guess I'd rather play stuff like Daxter, Syphon Filter, MGA 2, Wipeout, DJ Max portable, MM: PU, Katamari, Loco Roco, etc. rather than emulated games I've played a dozen times... 10-15 years ago.

Get with the times and upgrade already =p
Why should we give up the psp's ability to play home brew just because Sony doesn't want us to? That's limiting the system's capabilities unnecessarily and unrationally, ok well Sony doesn't want us to because they would rather have us buy their games, that's why. Of course we still would but that's not enough for them, their reasoning is that the ability to do other things with the system is cutting into their margins and so as a slap in the face they're making these updates a requirement in order to play any game. :rolleyes:
Bobbler said:
I don't understand the logic behind this... I've seen this countless times too!

People complain there aren't any good PSP games, but every time one comes out those same people won't upgrade to play them! (not saying that's necessarily what you do, but you're post just reminded me of something that bothers me).

that's because people are forced to make a choice each time a new appealing psp title gets released - 'shall i ditch homebrew for a flashy game?'

What does 1.5 offer that is so great? I mean, honestly...

in my case, in no particluar order:

a kick-ass radio client
a kick-ass pdf and txt reader
lua & twintailLDE (a lua IDE) - self-hosted development, yay!
sane media players allowing people to watch full-res movies.
an IM client (icq, gtalk, aim)
freaking-cool emulators, for both old consoles' and sientific calcls
..last but not lest the ability to run full-fledged compiled code written by me : )

and of course yet more homebrew to come in the future.

now, what does 2.7 offer to you? ; )

Get with the times and upgrade already =p

over my dead body ; )
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ANova said:
Why should we give up the psp's ability to play home brew just because Sony doesn't want us to? That's limiting the system's capabilities unnecessarily and unrationally, ok well Sony doesn't want us to because they would rather have us buy their games, that's why. Of course we still would but that's not enough for them, their reasoning is that the ability to do other things with the system is cutting into their margins and so as a slap in the face they're making these updates a requirement in order to play any game. :rolleyes:
I don't know if that's the total reason or not. The problem with these hacks isn't that they enable homebrew, but they also enable pirate software and copyright infringements (playing emulated games you don't own for example). If a legitimized homebrew were possible it'd expand the potential of the machine a great deal, and is something I'd love to see, but I can imagine Sony wanting to be wary of enabling homebrew to produce GBA emus etc., not just because people will play those games instead of buying PSP titles, but also because it'll aggravate the bejeezers out of various other companies seeing their software pirated onto the shiny black one.
darkblu said:
in my case, in no particluar order:

a kick-ass radio client
a kick-ass pdf and txt reader
lua & twintailLDE (a lua IDE) - self-hosted development, yay!
sane media players allowing people to watch full-res movies.
an IM client (icq, gtalk, aim)
freaking-cool emulators, for both old consoles' and sientific calcls
..last but not lest the ability to run full-fledged compiled code written by me : )

and of course yet more homebrew to come in the future.

now, what does 2.7 offer to you? ; )

It let me play the Loco Roco demo, which, to me, is a lot better than the stuff you listed =o

It's one of the best games I've played in the last year!

I guess it just seems silly to me to buy a portable gaming system and not even really use it for games, but the phrase "whatever floats your boat" comes to mind, so if you're satisfied then no harm.