PS3 Launch buyers. . .what games will you take home with you?

I'n surprised so many people are taking home Resistance without even checking for reviews.

As Nesh said the obvious, there are no ps3 reviews so that point is kinda moot. The same would apply with any launch. But besides that, I personally have faith in what we have seen (and in some respects things that we have not seen), Insomniac has a pretty good track record, not to mention the praise from every site who has played the game.
I suspect the games will be upscaled. Not that it will do anything for how they look...

Exactly, if you have an HDTV then that upscales PS2 games when playing on a PS2, having the PS3 doing the scaling isn't going to change anything unless you have a crapy scaler in your HDTV.
-Ridge Racer 7
-Gears of War :D

Along with an extra controller and a PS1/PS2 memory card adapter. FFXI should be arriving at my door around that time as well. A lot of gaming.

Waiting for Reviews:
-Marvel Ultimate Alliance

If those turn out to be any good, I'll grab them as well.

Resistance is confirmed for Day 1. Its also launching on Day 1 in Japan, by the way. So, maybe we can grab it a little early from shops over here too?
What's Gears of War doing there? It wont be available on the PS3 :p
Wow you're rich, after taxes that's a grand.
When I bought the 360 on launch day, I forked out about US$900. When you have a passion for something, big costs like this don't really matter. A buddy of mine is big into collecting arcade units; he would travel hundreds of miles just to buy a single unit for hundreds to thousands of dollars.
I wish. Broke college student here. :LOL:
I had saved up some money for the ps3 way back before it was delayed so It's not like I'm paying it all at once. :)
If there's a will, there's a PS3, er, I mean, A. :LOL:
Motorstorm and Resistance are paid off but it looks like Motorstorm won't be out until next year. I have $5 down on Blazing Angels but I'll wait on some impressions and gameplay videos before I decide.

60GB PS3
Extra controller
Memory card adapter
Bluetooth Remote
Bluetooth headset (If compatible)
Resistance: Fall of Man
Blazing Angels (Maybe)
SOCOM US Navy Seals Combined Assault (PS2)
Final Fantasy XII (PS2)
God of War GH (PS2)

I'll be getting the multiplatform titles like Vegas, COD3, etc. on 360.
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Resistance: Fall of Man
Fight Night Round 3
Sonic the Hedgehog Sega
Maybe Untold Legends...

Tony Hawk's Project 8 is probably better played on 360
Rainbow Six(R) Vegas is probably better played on a 360 or a PC
Same for NFS Carbon and CoD3

Actually, I'll probably also grab Bully and GoW2 as I don't actually have a working PS2 right now.
Just don't get drunk the same day cause we don't want to see "GOW impossible to run on PS3: I TRIED!" kind of threads!! :LOL:

*laughs* :LOL: :LOL:

"I picked a bad week to stop drinkin' "

Tony Hawk's Project 8 is probably better played on 360

What if the IQ takes a hit on the PS3 but the fun factor is increased due to integration with the SIXAXIS? What then, hotshot? :D

Actually, I'll probably also grab Bully and GoW2 as I don't actually have a working PS2 right now.

I'm rather surprised to hear you guys on getting those games on that side of the pond. I assume the original God of War made it over there? How did Japanese gamers (in general) take to it? To western, or did it have a universal appeal?
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grr and I was expecting some upgrade :devilish:
They said before we were going to get better resolutions and I want just that:mad:

The resolutions should at least be scaled via the internal scaler I imagine. I mean, that should be pretty painless to achieve, am I right?
Resistance (definitely)
Genji (definitely)
COD3 (depends on reviews)
Untold legends (maybe -- I liked the earlier types of games like this on PS2, will have to see some reviews first)

For downloadables I'll grab:
Blast factor
lemmings (maybe)
and who knows what else

I'll probably pick up the memory card reader thingy too.

scooby_dooby said:
I'n surprised so many people are taking home Resistance without even checking for reviews.

At this point, if it doesn't get 9s or so in reviews, I'd be more inclined to question the reviewers than the game. It's an Insomniac game! If it was CoD3 (treyarch, bah) or something, then yeah, I'm inclined to wait for reviews.
I'n surprised so many people are taking home Resistance without even checking for reviews.

What exactly is surprising in this? All the previews of the game have been nothing but high praise. The images and videos released have been pretty damn good. Plus its an Imsomniac game, world would be heading towards Armageddon if Imsomniac game sucked. :)

Most likely due to the limited launch games and either way, Resistance will most likely find its way in pretty much everyones home who is getting PS3 on launch day. :D

Will the servers hold? I can imagine the traffic already and it would be bad if the network dies. Not for me ofcourse because I'll be getting my PS3 next fall but for others it would simply suck. Here's one for hoping!
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Why so surprised?

Ever played the Ratchet & Clank games? Everyone here (me included) always goes on about the Jak games, but the R&C games were absolutely amazing, easily on par with or even superior to the Jak games under certain points of view and loads of fun.
The weapons alone were just ludicrously fun.

Insomniac know how to make good and fun games, that's why people will buy Resistance without knowing if it's actually a good game or not. If it isn't, then it's their loss, but we all know that it's very very likely that it will be a very good game.

Actually, most people will probably buy it because of the cool-looking WW2-with-monsters box art but i digress... :p
Aw this thread makes me sad as my chances are getting a PS3 at launch are almost 0%. If I could get one though, I'll be taking the core system and Resistance thank you! :cool:
Why so surprised?

Ever played the Ratchet & Clank games? Everyone here (me included) always goes on about the Jak games, but the R&C games were absolutely amazing, easily on par with or even superior to the Jak games under certain points of view and loads of fun.

No not really, but there is apparently a ton of fait in Insomniac as a developer, so I guess it makes sense to trust them. The gameplay just seems so average for a FPS, I would've thought more people would wait for reviews.
No not really, but there is apparently a ton of fait in Insomniac as a developer, so I guess it makes sense to trust them. The gameplay just seems so average for a FPS, I would've thought more people would wait for reviews.

I won't buy it, but if i did, i'd only buy it for the weapons.
Besides, it goes both ways, if you haven't played it, how can you say the gameplay looks average? ;)