PS2 Network Adaptor: 1M by month end


In just six months, the PlayStation 2 online experience has surpassed expectations to become the largest online console gaming community in North America, announced today by Sony Computer Entertainment America Inc. Consumer demand for PlayStation 2 online gaming has been greater than expected, and sales of the Network Adaptor (Ethernet/modem) (for PlayStation 2), the gateway into the PlayStation 2 online arena, exceeded the company's original expectations with more than 500,000 units sold through to consumers. The community continues to expand at an astonishing rate with an average of 2,500 new members joining per day. Due to consistent, high demand the company confirmed that it plans to double its projected Network Adaptor shipments to a cumulative one million units by the end of its fiscal year, March 31, 2003.

With 42 percent of users playing online games via dial-up and 58 percent via broadband, the inclusive offering of PlayStation 2 is clearly meeting consumers' needs for online console gaming, regardless of their connectivity preferences. PlayStation 2 is the only next generation system to cater to all online users. Since its launch, the Network Adaptor has consistently ranked among the top 10 accessories sold, according to NPD FunWorld, a division of the NPD Group, an independent research group. In fact, the most recent report indicates that the Network Adaptor outsold the Xbox Live Starter Kit by more than 63 percent during the month of January.

Whats more interesting to me atleast than the above PR Bullshit is the following PS2 Demographic:

There is a clear shift in the demographics for members of the online community in comparison to the overall PlayStation 2 user base. More than 73 percent of registered members of the PlayStation 2 online community are between the ages of 18-34, where as this demographic makes up only 47 percent of the overall PlayStation 2 installed base

PS. And Chessmaster Online? Hell yeah, although the Zone is pretty good for that.
Didn't sony say they had sold 600,000 units only last week?

That would mean they would have to sell 400,000 units in the next 16 days!!!

I think they are fibbing figures again in spite of Xbox live.
Jabjabs, they are talking about shipped units, not sold to consumers. There really isn't enough those adapters available, at least not everywhere. All the stores where I live, receceive few of them per week at most - it's just impossible to buy one. They probably want to finally ship a large number to retailers.
Count me in as one of the million. I just picked up my Network Adapter, along with a free copy of Everquest Adventures, so I can play Auto Modellista at the end of the month.

Seems to be more demand than supply for the NAs, as it took a bit of looking around to find one. They should sell through these units pretty easily :D
Does the network adapter have the IDE harddrive connector on the back (inside) of it, or is it an el-cheapo network-only version?
