PS2 having problems running FPS games?



Apart from TS2, all FPS on PS2 suffer many graphical problems. Think its like the only genre PS2 cannot handle well.

Right? :oops:
The Dual SHock is ass for FPSs. Xbox 'troller all the way! (triggers RULE fps and racing games)
Then again Free Radical is the only technically talanted PS2-developer "into" the genre.

Many thought Quake 3 for PS2 was, at least technically, a competent game. I never cared for the genre so I can't say if they're right though..
Imagine where the Xbox would be for FPS games had there not been a booming PC industry to bring the best FPS-engine designer minds together in an x86 environment for what, 10+ years? It's all in the programming (more precisely, years of programming experience over a specific architecture). Anyone who can level a broad assumption blaming the hardware alone is simply ignorant.

BTW, chap blushes a lot, don't you think? Maybe its a mental tich.
all about the programmers

It's the programmers... Quake 3 was an OK port to PS2, thought the loading times felt like an eternity (the downside). Graphically, the game played and handled well. My friend and I had a nice frag fest 8)

Chap, if you do want to see if it is the hardware glitching, grab an Xbox and a PS2, rent Time Splitters 2 for both consoles, and compare them. Aside from over all graphic improvements for xbox (if any) will probably be the only difference. :)
I don't have a problem with FPS games on PS2 graphically, but the DS2 pad, particularly the analogue sticks, leave a lot to be desired.
With PS2 can't you use USB mouse and keyboard ? I don't like FPS in general, but don't people prefer that as their control scheme ?
I know the feature is supported on recently released Red Faction 2. I have a USB keyboard and mouse right in front of me, yet I am still too lazy to try it on my PS2. I can make do (to my satisfaction) with the default DS2 controller.