
I think that the weapon/power wheel could be its downfall though. What makes InFamous control so well is that everything is on the pad, you don't need to press pause to select/or change stance etc.

If it works similar to Rfom's weapon wheel then it shouldn't be much of an issue.
I don't know, I felt it looked very last-gen for some reason, and I generally don't like to make those sort of comments. Maybe it's the incredible similarity to H:UD and the fact that I'm still burned by Mercs 2, so I'm sorta expecting that sort of half-step up.
It looks like a kitchen sink game, they took H:UD and just added a bunch of stuff. It may turn out well, but it does not seems to have focus or personality. I hope a demo is coming soon.
It looks like a kitchen sink game, they took H:UD and just added a bunch of stuff. It may turn out well, but it does not seems to have focus or personality. I hope a demo is coming soon.

Adding the stuff isn't really the problem. Part of the problem for me is that the protagonist isn't as interesting as the Hulk, but that's forgivable, most game leads are forgettable. I'm just afraid that we won't have anything as cool as using missile pods as bazooka, or using a wrecking ball like a morning star.
This was gong to replace Crackdown for me (which I am playing again) but I agree with some others that the gore may not make this game as interesting for me as Crackdown. although I know how a lot of people (and kids) love that chit.

as for the other stuff, orb hinting and the very cool power modes and the owning the rooftops and running up buildings and the elbow crunch onto vehicles... yea, that looks hot!
This was gong to replace Crackdown for me (which I am playing again) but I agree with some others that the gore may not make this game as interesting for me as Crackdown. although I know how a lot of people (and kids) love that chit.

as for the other stuff, orb hinting and the very cool power modes and the owning the rooftops and running up buildings and the elbow crunch onto vehicles... yea, that looks hot!

My suggestion is that if you have an original xbox, or PS2 and don't mind playing last-gen games, look for Hulk:UD to get an idea for what Prototype is probably like. I mean, in my opinion it's so awesome that I'll buy Prototype with no demo (unless the game proves to be a total mess). Ebay says you can get the game for less than $10. No idea if it's BC-compatible on the 360.
My suggestion is that if you have an original xbox, or PS2 and don't mind playing last-gen games, look for Hulk:UD to get an idea for what Prototype is probably like. I mean, in my opinion it's so awesome that I'll buy Prototype with no demo (unless the game proves to be a total mess). Ebay says you can get the game for less than $10. No idea if it's BC-compatible on the 360.

I'll rent it (we have a PS2) as I'm afraid the graphics whore in me will only allow me to play it for a day or two. :smile:

Crackdown has some great lighting and crazy stuff going on and it's hard enough to play that while comparing to the graphics form Prototype and InFamous. :p
My suggestion is that if you have an original xbox, or PS2 and don't mind playing last-gen games, look for Hulk:UD to get an idea for what Prototype is probably like. ....

OTOH, I'm still holding out hope that this guy, who previewed the game is right.

by Erik Brudvig

May 21, 2009 - I've heard Prototype described many ways. It's Resident Evil meets Grand Theft Auto. It's just like Infamous. It's a slicker looking The Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction, an unsurprising claim given the fact that developer Radical Entertainment is responsible for both. None of these descriptions are off the mark, but Prototype brought back memories of another game for me: Crackdown.

What i like about Crackdown (besides the orb hunting and co-op stuff) is the ability to play as a good guy and to explore and not always be killing. so far Prototype appears to be an ambiguous kill-ALL.

i hope there is a demo
Honestly, it seems that any game you play with superheroes people will say resembles Crackdown, when Crackdown wasn't even the original balls-to-the-wall superhero game. I liked Hulk:UD more than Crackdown, I felt it had a lot more personality -- I liked it so much that the Hulk became my favorite Marvel comics character. (My dream game today is World War Hulk done by Radical using Red Faction: Guerilla's destruction engine in GTA4's Liberty City.)

Crackdown's most interesting part was how you could level up your abilities piece-meal.
I'll rent it (we have a PS2) as I'm afraid the graphics whore in me will only allow me to play it for a day or two. :smile:

Crackdown has some great lighting and crazy stuff going on and it's hard enough to play that while comparing to the graphics form Prototype and InFamous. :p

It's BC on the 360 and runs in 720P. I've had it for a while, but lost my save when I changed 360s (can't backup xbox games).
This was gong to replace Crackdown for me (which I am playing again) but I agree with some others that the gore may not make this game as interesting for me as Crackdown. although I know how a lot of people (and kids) love that chit.

as for the other stuff, orb hinting and the very cool power modes and the owning the rooftops and running up buildings and the elbow crunch onto vehicles... yea, that looks hot!

Agree 100% with all comments. It will most likely be one of those I wait for the used game bin under $15. Rather spend my money on a real Crackdown 2.

Tommy McClain
This was gong to replace Crackdown for me (which I am playing again) but I agree with some others that the gore may not make this game as interesting for me as Crackdown. although I know how a lot of people (and kids) love that chit.

Maybe they'll put in a parental controls setting into the game that removes the blood and gore. ;)

Yeah, probably not...

Listened to Garnett Lee talk about this game on the Listen up! podcast. It confirmed what I expected, that at least in basic movement and traversal it controls a lot like Hulk:UD. You hold down left-bumper to start a heavy run, and from there no obstacle will really stop you.