Prototype, My First Impressions... *minor minor spoilers*


This is game kind of strange in the way it's designed.

It starts you off with every power unlocked for tutorial purposes, and then throws way too many informational dialog boxes up at you. It makes you not want to care! Meanwhile you'll basically experienceing sensory overload from the craziness of the extreme jumping, tank throwing, the jumping infestation of bloody mutants and crashing helicopters.

Suddenly everything gets taken away from you and they begin to develop the character while...teaching you more stuff!

I feel like they should have completely removed the into tutorial level and just let the player slowly learn abilities as they unlock them like most games in this genre (which, to be fair, the also do)--but just choose the latter.

About an hour into the game the difficulty ramps up to extreme difficultly (at least for me it was) and out of nowhere. I died 8 times during this specific sequence involving several of the most generic bloody-skinless-Silent-Hill-monster-thingys you've ever seen. It was pointless, boring and left me wanting it to end so I could just get back to the city, runnning and jumping--which, right now, is the only fun thing to do in the game.

Since the comparison will be inevitable with inFAMOUS--I'll go there. These games really are nothing alike. Yes, they're both open-world games with super-powered protagonists, but when you sit down with both games and play them, they feel so different in gameplay, asthetic and atmosphere! Overall I think Cole is a more interesting charcter (even though he's really not that interesting) and the world he travels around in is incredibily more exciting and detailed to play in. Hell, inFAMOUS even has a story that is, at the very least, slightly intruiging too.

But hey, who knows right? Perhaps Prototype will take a drastic turn somewhere and will change my mind. I hope it does because I want to play a good video game.

Oh, and the game's graphics are about as dull as can be. :(
Will there ever be a demo? I am thinking of getting the PC version just to chk out what has changed from Hulk: Ultimate Destruction to this one. If there had been a demo, atleast I wouldn't have to waste my money, even if it is very cheap on the PC :rolleyes: !
Well, tried this over at a friends, and liked it despite not liking open world games that much. Ended up buying it even though I wasn't expecting to want it.

Have to say I'm pleasantly surprised, especially after warcrow's first impressions.

First off, graphics are a bit low, IMO. Texture detail is low. The main character has a plasticky look about him.

However, on the plus side.

Weapons are actually fun to use. Throwing things are fun. Exploration is pretty cool. Consuming people and using them for a disguise is pretty neat.

Lots of ways to advance. There's 50 hint spheres. 200 location spheres. Taking out military or infested bases. Ability events (challenges).

Story progresses fairly briskly. There's a ton of abilities.

Haven't gotten bored yet. But then I've only played for about 3-4 hours.

Pleasantly surprised. First superhero game I actually liked. And that despite the rather lackluster graphics.

I'm hooked on the PC version, muey fun! On my second run through already, I totally skipped all the side missions the first time through.
Heh, I just found out that with good use of Airdash + Glide, you can pretty much fly across the entire island of Manhattan. Fun stuff. :)

I thought what they did with the tutorial level was quite novel. Without the taster of some of the cool powers it showed I'm not sure I would've been as impressed, or put the effort in to progress early on.

What it also did was make me curious about who the protagonist was talking to, and who this 'final person' was. I initially thought he was talking about himself but I'm not sure. Can't wait to have some time to play it for another few hours; cheifly for the thrills rather than the story though.
Heh, I just found out that with good use of Airdash + Glide, you can pretty much fly across the entire island of Manhattan. Fun stuff. :)
Yeah, for at least 3 jumps. I'm in love with the movement, heck with the game.

The story is good, very good. Not spectacular, but definitely solid and interesting...with a fulfilling ending and everything. (And no, the game does NOT end when you finish the can keep playing in the world doing side missions. :) )

It's very rare that a triple-A title even comes close to living up to its hype, but Protocol really seems to have done it IMHO.
I was going to write up some more on the game, but Ben over at Ars pretty much summed up me feelings for the game.

Creating a powerful being in a game has to mean something, and Prototype goes out of its way to make you feel out of touch with humanity (and even reality) throughout your mission for revenge. Being a bad guy can certainly have its own rewards, but being a monster isn't nearly as interesting. I couldn't sympathize with the character, I wasn't excited by his large number of flailing, bloody attacks, and I mentally checked out when I realized none of my actions had any real consequences other than to move the game forward.

The best I can say about this game is that if you have illusions of grandeur with a smattering of violent tendencies, it may work for you. But Prototype feels soulless and slightly hateful, and coming so soon after the wonderful inFamous, the empty journey of a soul who was damned before the game began feels like a waste of everyone's time.
Yeah, I think Ben nails it in his review. It's not a very good game. The environments are really bland, the "super powered movement" isn't very fun because there are literally no obstacles in the city. You can run up any surface and survive any fall. Combat is confusing. The missions are frustrating because of how easy it can be to accidentally kill someone you are supposed to consume. And the story isn't that compelling. It's just so utterly lifeless. Fun to cruise around town and smash a few things for maybe an hour, after that... This is a solid "play a little bit at a friends house one night" game.
I played like the first 45 minutes, it plays exactly like it looks. I assume it gets better, but so far it's a mess graphically and combat wise. So Warcrow what did you think of the game after you finished it?

Edit: I see your later post Warcrow, you agree with Ars.