Razor04 said:...you will just cast it aside as being false or manipulated by the government.diarrhea_splatter said:Prove it. 8)
that's true
Razor04 said:...you will just cast it aside as being false or manipulated by the government.diarrhea_splatter said:Prove it. 8)
wow, maybe i said that because you also keep babbling about the fires in WT 7 being small and under control also?diarrhea_splatter said:Althornin said:right, because you knwo that in explosions and fires, nothing can get blown clear in the initial impact.....
maybe the firefighters hear stuff blowing up, indeed - but many things will explode and make loud noises, especially while being burnt.
As for what the firefighters said - whihc building are you tlaking about now? WTC 7 or the towers?
Gee I wonder, what buildings were hit that day in NY by airplanes? It even says in the quote you quoted from me
Althornin said:wow, maybe i said that because you also keep babbling about the fires in WT 7 being small and under control also?diarrhea_splatter said:Althornin said:right, because you knwo that in explosions and fires, nothing can get blown clear in the initial impact.....
maybe the firefighters hear stuff blowing up, indeed - but many things will explode and make loud noises, especially while being burnt.
As for what the firefighters said - whihc building are you tlaking about now? WTC 7 or the towers?
Gee I wonder, what buildings were hit that day in NY by airplanes? It even says in the quote you quoted from me
However, nice refutation of my other points there...
To continue - do you know how much jet fuel a full loaded 747 carries? 28,000 gallons. Do you think that that will make a fire that is "Small" and not major?
Dude, you are to the point of not even listening to anyone now. And you wonder why people think you are a moron.
I bet you think we never went to the moon also...
Are you a firefighter? Because, my cousin (who is) told me that fire are incredibly unpredictable. One minute a fire can be completly under control, and the next be out of control. As a simple example look at forest fires. Firefighters die because forest fires can shift/grow unpredictibly just by having the wind shift. Back to wtc, the wind could have shifted, and moved the fire to where there was alot of fuel (from plane, and furniture, et al) and reignited flames that took the firefighters by suprise. So dont assume that because the flames were under control that that could not have changed in a few seconds.diarrhea_splatter said:I never said the fires were small, but the fire department had them under control, you can read the radio logs.
epicstruggle said:Are you a firefighter? Because, my cousin (who is) told me that fire are incredibly unpredictable. One minute a fire can be completly under control, and the next be out of control. As a simple example look at forest fires. Firefighters die because forest fires can shift/grow unpredictibly just by having the wind shift. Back to wtc, the wind could have shifted, and moved the fire to where there was alot of fuel (from plane, and furniture, et al) and reignited flames that took the firefighters by suprise. So dont assume that because the flames were under control that that could not have changed in a few seconds.diarrhea_splatter said:I never said the fires were small, but the fire department had them under control, you can read the radio logs.
Reznor007 said:Think about this for a second...a 747 is about 63 feet tall, so when it hit it probably ignited 8-10 stories worth instantly since an explosion that size would destroy any flooring that might be in its way. Also consider how high up the planes hit. Do you really think that a fire that massive could be under control within such a short time?
And with a large airplane crashing through the middle of it, do you think it would be near as strong as it would be if it hadn't have been hit? With the structure seriously weakened and on fire, do you think the massive weight of the higher portion of the towers above the explostion was helping the situation any?
Ignore any of the crazy theories you have heard, and just apply some basic physics to this. A massive weight resting on a weakened base that is continually getting weaker because of a huge superheated fire. If you come to any other conclusion than the building crushing itself then I really feel sorry for you.
diarrhea_splatter said:Reznor007 said:Think about this for a second...a 747 is about 63 feet tall, so when it hit it probably ignited 8-10 stories worth instantly since an explosion that size would destroy any flooring that might be in its way. Also consider how high up the planes hit. Do you really think that a fire that massive could be under control within such a short time?
And with a large airplane crashing through the middle of it, do you think it would be near as strong as it would be if it hadn't have been hit? With the structure seriously weakened and on fire, do you think the massive weight of the higher portion of the towers above the explostion was helping the situation any?
Ignore any of the crazy theories you have heard, and just apply some basic physics to this. A massive weight resting on a weakened base that is continually getting weaker because of a huge superheated fire. If you come to any other conclusion than the building crushing itself then I really feel sorry for you.
Seeing that the engineers who built that building originally said it could withstand a hit from a plane, then no I do not believe that thing would've collapsed. It's been proven that those fires were not hot enough to melt steel. The facts are out there that contradict everything most of the reports out there say, including the time difference for WTC7 to fall in the FEMA report and what Alex Jones stated. Alex has a track history of telling the truth our own government doesn't.
It's been proven that those fires were not hot enough to melt steel.
You can't have it both ways.diarrhea_splatter said:Seeing that the engineers who built that building originally said it could withstand a hit from a plane, then no I do not believe that thing would've collapsed. It's been proven that those fires were not hot enough to melt steel. The facts are out there that contradict everything most of the reports out there say, including the time difference for WTC7 to fall in the FEMA report and what Alex Jones stated. Alex has a track history of telling the truth our own government doesn't.
diarrhea_splatter said:It's been proven that those fires were not hot enough to melt steel.
Humus said:diarrhea_splatter said:It's been proven that those fires were not hot enough to melt steel.
You don't even need to be anywhere near the melting point. Steel is weakened with increasing temperature. That's pretty well known since the iron age, just watch a smith, they don't melt the metal when they form it, they only heat it until it's soft enough.
hupfinsgack said:Humus said:diarrhea_splatter said:It's been proven that those fires were not hot enough to melt steel.
You don't even need to be anywhere near the melting point. Steel is weakened with increasing temperature. That's pretty well known since the iron age, just watch a smith, they don't melt the metal when they form it, they only heat it until it's soft enough.
At 800°C Steel is less than half as strong than at room temperature.
Sabastian said:DS your whole argument is based in the idea that the current American government is so evil that it would kill thousands of its people to rationalize everything that has transpired over the past 2 years in the middle east and it is a fucking stupid conspiracy theory.