Problems with windows explorer


This is a tough one: after starting explorer, it hangs after 20-30 seconds. I have to shut it down with the task manager, can restart it, the rest of windows seems unaffected.

I dl'd and executed CWShredder, Ad-aware and Spybot (all freshly updated). These found a few instances of BigWebSearch (which I than removed) and a single DSO-exploit which I than fixed as well.

My McAfee is also freshly updated. I sit behind a HW-firewall.

So I'm pretty sure it's neither spy-/adware nor a virus. What else could it be? Any ideas?
If it consistently hangs each time you start it I'd either do an OS re-install or simply switch to another browser.

It's unfortunately not possible to be completely rid of IE under windows as some programs call it explicitly, but that can be worked around most of the time.
Guden Oden said:
If it consistently hangs each time you start it I'd either do an OS re-install or simply switch to another browser.

It's unfortunately not possible to be completely rid of IE under windows as some programs call it explicitly, but that can be worked around most of the time.

Um, i read it like he's having problems with Windows Explorer, not IE.
I'd try checking the files with "sfc /checknow" and/or reinstalling latest SP.

If it was about IE, then sorry about my useless answer :)
No, it's not IE, it's the normal windows explorer. I have XP SP2, so there's nothing newer than that.

Thanks, I'll try that with sfc although I doubt any files were exchanged for some bogus versions.

P.S. Obviously, I wouldn't like to do a reinstall...
this is long shot, but how about turning off some services?....maybe you managed to get some conflict with SP2 and some software?
Nope, it was a clean install. I disabled some services, but nothing really important. Nothing wrong with that, I knew what I was doing.

I think I'll do a clean install again, I guess something's been damaged.