Problem with display properties, maybe virus


After visiting a, ahem, risque site, I am not able to change my desktop wallpaper in the display properties - the options are simply not available/greyed. I checked the registry and even though the relevant entry states a wallpaper of my choice, that wallpaper is not reflected on the desktop. All I can do is change the color of my desktop. All other options are not available in the "Desktop" sheet/tab in display properties.

Could it be that my rundll32.exe is infected? If this is the case, can I replace it with my backup copy? How do I do that? Via safe-mode command prompt?

Reverend said:
TIP: Always cruise "risque" sites in FF even if you don't use it regularly, these things will happen a lot less.

Not meaning to kick you when you're down, just a friendly bit-o-advice for next time. :)

Sorry to hear about the virus, if I come across anything I'll post it up...I HATE it when stuff like that happens!
Well, let me say it this way: I have been malware-free for over a year now, by sticking to FF exclusively. Recently, I really needed IE for something, and I got the adress wrong. BAM! Lots of nasty stuff had invaded my PC in the blink of an eye...

And I have the latest version, SP2 and whatever installed...
DiGuru said:
Well, let me say it this way: I have been malware-free for over a year now, by sticking to FF exclusively. Recently, I really needed IE for something, and I got the adress wrong. BAM! Lots of nasty stuff had invaded my PC in the blink of an eye...

And I have the latest version, SP2 and whatever installed...
I used IE for the first time in I can't remember how long yesterday and it just made me feel all icky! :???: