printing articles


would it be possible to add a print button to articles (format the articles for printing), so i could print them?
the reason i ask for this is that i'm a dialup user and i usually don't read articles online - i prefer to print them to pdf (pdffactory) and read afterwards offline. and having 20 IE windows opened is bit annoying (and eating up too many system resources :/)

offtopic: that's also reason why i don't read tom's hardware :)
If we do that then we loose our adverts / click throughs, which is the only source of income that keeps the site alive (well, in fact it falls far short of the server costs, but its boosts my outlay).

Tha alternative would be to do as Aces hardware does and have PDF files you can pay for, but I'm not sure of the interest in that.
hm, i thought i'd be that, but hoped it wasn't :)

well i'm really not sure if paying for pdfs is the right way, i'll rather read it the more annoying way then :) (and i think most ppl would)