This is all very exciting to me, I love seeing renewed interest in the space program. Its been so flat and dull for so long, we need to get some momentum going.
I've been keeping up with every aspect of the Mars missions and look forward to keeping up with future space missions. I like the idea of finally retiring the shuttle, it needs to happen, it should have happened 10 years ago really. I remember back in High School writing a report on one of the experimental spacecraft X something or other, it was designed to launch, fly and return much easier than the shuttle and be able to do it more frequently costing less money. Then it got scrapped
So seeing a goal to retire the shuttle and finally build a brand new CEV is awesome, its been a long time coming, but its still 5-10 years off.
Getting the ISS finished is also a long time coming, which needs to get done.
Just doing those three things, finishing ISS, retiring shuttle and building a CEV will propel us into the first steps of finally really exploring space.
Where we go from there, a moon base, and eventually a manned mission to Mars is inevitable, it’s just a matter of time. And I for one hope to see it in my lifetime, it would be extremely awesome in every sense of the word.