Some ballpark performance numbers that Ageia has thrown out.,1558,1773957,00.asp?kc=ETRSS02129TX1K0000532
In rigid-body dynamics, for example, the chip must solve the Newtonian physics problems common to most games. Today's games track and solve the interactions between perhaps 10 to 200 rigid bodies using software simulations, Hegde said. The PhysX chip will support up to 32,000 rigid bodies, all interacting with each other, he said.
While graphics chips are measured by the number of pixels they draw per second or the number of polygons they can trace, Hegde said that the PhysX chip will be compared against a suite of measurements, generally in relation to a purely software simulation. Rigid body dynamics, for example, will be marked by the number of collisions per second that can be traced, while the chip's performance calculating fluids will track the number of particles used to model the fluid, and how each particle interacts with its neighbors. Modeling clothing also requires the chip to track the number of particles and their collisions with neighboring particles and other objects, similar to the way the chip will model hair.
Hegde declined to describe the chip's performance in detail. In addition to the 32,000 rigid bodies the chip will model, the PhysX chip will be able to track 40,000 to 50,000 individual particles as part of a fluid. While impressive, that's nowhere near the 10 million particles fluids simulated in feature films like The Lord of the Rings use, he said.
A Novodex-enabled game will sense the presence of the PhysX chip and use the technology, Hegde said, and offload the physics burden from the other two chips. In the case of awar game, for example, a rocket launcher may blow a building into 10,000 pieces, some of which might interact with other building, the player, other players, or a myriad of other scenarios, he said.,1558,1773957,00.asp?kc=ETRSS02129TX1K0000532