Power supply question



Im upgrading my computer and I was wondering what kinda specs I need in a powersupply if I have a barton 2500, nforce 2 board, 80 gb hd, 512 ram, etc. I have a cheap 300 watt, i think it's 175 combined, lying around and Im hoping it might work, atleast untill I pick up a new video card, probably a 9700, and some more ram and then I'll buy a better power supply. If the 300 watt will work for now, or if it won't, what kind of a power supply should I be looking at with a setup like this (assuming I have a 9700 and all)? Thanks
300 Watts should be enough for your, although you may run in to some issues.

I would shoot for 350-400Watt good brand PowerSupply(Enermax, Antec etc) if I was you(I went with a 420Watt ThermalTake with my current rig which is pretty close to yours). 300Watts should be enough to get you by if it is a good quality one, but it won't necessarily leave you much room to grow.