possible bad adverts

Anyone know how Goggle's ad-serving system works, do they just provide a link between a third-party website (such as B3D) to their customers' ads, which they have to serve themselves, or do goggle actually host the actual ads on their servers?

If the latter, one wonders why they can't automatically detect/filter page hijacks, not to mention malware-serving/drive-by download javascripts and shit like that. Heuristic detection seems to work well enough to identify copyrighted material on youtube... :p
They host the ads, but the ads can run arbitrary JS that the advertiser can change at will without review, resulting in malicious adverts from time to time.
I'm in the UK and not getting weird ads. Everything (apart from the dating ads) is related to my browsing history. It's always funny to buy something and then get adverts to buy it, because...you know, obviously buying it once just isn't enough...
Maybe cyberfox is using an older version of the mozzilla source (has firefox switched to chrome like opera)
On a happier note havnt had any hijacks for a couple of days.
What ads? I'm using Tapatalk... :D

Btw, what I'm noticing in general is that ads are getting more animated. Combined with sites that are getting more sophisticated, my old single core phone just can't handle all the load when it used to be fine for browsing anywhere.
Yep. Same was true on PC. My old PC was fine for the work I did, but struggled with ad-heavy websites. Who'd have thought that the biggest drive to upgrade hardware would be to cope with advertisements?!
Is there any way for you to tell what domain the advert code was running on, that tried to install opendownloadmanager?
I had a popup last Wednesday, was going to post about it and then forgot.
it opened what looked like a system request box, with the only option being "OK".
Could not close my browser, so I killed it.
Had something to do with a site called softwareupdaterlp.com

Oh, and beyond3d was the only site I had open.
I got redirected from B3D the other day and didn't know wtf was going on. So this makes sense. I'm in South Carolina, so nowhere near davros and friends. Using Chrome. Hasn't happened since then.