Polio boycott is 'unforgivable'

but those are copies not originals. Futhermore the matter of african agencies generating copied firearms has yet been introduced into this conversation. So, outside of pruchasing from manufacturers and other nations willing to sell some of their stock i really don't see any alternatives. If anything I can see them buying copied firearms over producing them themselves.
Guden Oden said:
A stable government would be able to place tougher demands on businesses wrt. taxation, environmental concerns etc. Multinational companies are only too happy to crap all over third-world countries if it means they can earn a buck. This is all fact, denying it is pointless.

Oh please, care to back up your claim before you say it's pointless to deny it?

Of all OECD foreign investment, 80% goes into other OECD countries. If companies were primarily looking for sweet deals with corrupt governments to dogde human rights and environment policies, and to get dirt cheap labor, then all investments would go to subsaharan Africa. But it doesn't. Far from it. 80% goes to other OECD countries. Clearly indicates that political stability is the primary concern.
Legion said:
nuh un it indicates a vast cover up attempt Humus.

:rolleyes: Jeez. There's thing called Google you know. Ever heard of it?


First attempt, I'm sure the query could be refined further, but this gives PLENTY of material for study as it is.

So to those who think I'm making shit up or don't know what I'm talking about; stfu. You're INSULTING the deaths of thousands of people who are the victims of ruthless, greedy multinationals around the world (not just oil companies I might add, does the name of the city of Bophal, India, ring any bells to you?)

Thank you.

Edit: Those too lazy to read all that themselves could try this article for instance: http://www.biddho.de/portal/article3407.html ...Though I'm sure Humus and Legion thinks it's all figments of the imagination... :rolleyes:
The problem is, you're generalizing. How many multinational companies exist in total. What percentage of those deal only in basic natural resources or very low tech manufactured goods. And now, which percentage of those run African shops?

It's like people who take Enron, Tyco, and Worldcom and generalize that into "everyone is doing it"

Political extremists (leftwing nuts, rightwing conservatives) have a habit of taking a few examples and turning them into gross generalizations on which to demonize.