PGR3 (photo mode) pics

photomode flash (4xaa!)





I can't wait to play this game. Only two months to go before we get XBOX360 downunder. This is the only game that is keeping my excitement up.
lol that smiley reminds me of something from an anime :LOL:

Just keep in mind that the garage mode is meant to look much better than gameplay. Photomode does pretty things up quite a far bit too (IMO at least), although in the driver view, the game looks pretty freakin shweet. :D
Have you guys tried playing around with this photo mode glitch yet?
It lets you move the camera around outside of the track, and basically go anywhere you want in the city. I found some pretty interesting stuff so far. If you look at these pictures, you can see I managed to find the world trade center site in Manhattan. Noclipping around Las Vegas at night is tons of fun, and it's fun in the game too.
mckmas8808 said:
Before you read this I'm pretty sure you know Sony has good coders, but I have to say it. Sony may have more power (even though ease of coding levels that out) but Sony also has some of the best devs the world has to offer. So they probably aren't too worry about that.
I think you're right. Either way, all this nonsense about how Cell destroys Xenon is irrelevant. You just won't be getting much more noticeable gameplay. It's the devs that will make the difference.

DemoCoder said:
Just because an algorithm scales by N log N or N^2 rather than N, doesn't mean higher performance won't matter, it just means that algorithmic performance should be maximized first, then tweak to HW.
For gameplay, CPU power is not very important in a closed box system except for when talking about orders of magnitude, and that delta just doesn't exist between Cell and Xenon. I doubt you'll see a factor of 2 or 3 between Cell and Xenon for physics, and if you did, even then you'd hardly notice.

Ingenuity and creativity matter a lot more for gameplay, and CPU power (i.e. a factor of 2-3) is rarely the limiting factor for a game idea. You scale your content, like bounding box hierarchy depth or iteration limit, to fit the CPU your game is running on.

I'm a big fan of racing games, and I still haven't seen physics on par with Viper Racing, which I used to play on a P166 (with a homemade steering wheel :)). I really think the difference in CPU power between Xenon and Cell will have next to no impact in the quality of games the generation.
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When taking the photo, there are a number of post-processing effects that you can apply.
Yes, it is in-game code, the pic is rendered instantly (but I am not sure for internal resolution; if you take the driving shot direct it is 600p internal, but if you save that pic to HD and play it later it could be 720p internal). Driving is 2xaa, photomode is 4xaa. There are some post gfx (color change, dof...) which you can adjust, but cars and scenery are from game. I will search bizarre forum and post something later.
Animation has full of problems (blur, lod, texture fill). I am sorry that Bizarre did not have the same dev time as Bethesda has.

I am still questioning the native aspect ratio; is native 800x600 (4/3 ratio = ~1.3) or 1020x600 (16/9 ratio = ~1.7). If it is 4/3 ratio then native pic is really compresed when rendered (and then upscaled to 16/9 ratio, 720p), which could (I think) explain problems with textures pop.