Peter Molyneux says (PS4 , Xbox 3 , N6) = reality


I'm sure many of you have heard of Peter Molyneux , one of the most respected people in the gaming industry

He made the following statement in a recent interview:
the next next-generation of consoles will enable us to create virtual world that are indistinguishable from the real world.

Aside from the grammatical error(s), it is clear what he is saying,

"the next next-generation of consoles will enable us to create virtual worlds that are indistinguishable from the real world."

i.e.: if Mr. Molyneux is correct, the PlayStation 4 , Xbox 3 and N6 will be able output graphics that are, in his own words "indistinguishable from the real world"
the interview:

Wednesday 24th December 2003


The UK development legend speaks exclusively on the past, present and future of gaming

Peter Molyneux, legend in the videogame industry and Lionhead Studios chief is, as we all know, a man keen to push the boundaries of gaming and develop groundbreaking technology. Pass an eye over the titles he is, or has been, involved with - Black & White, Populous and RPG Fable, for example and it's obvious that a key desire for Molyneux is to introduce increasingly heavy doses of reality into virtual worlds.
We recently caught up with Molyneux to chat about the videogame highlights and lowlights of 2003, the future of the sim and strategy genres and what for him will be the hot games of 2004.

Has 2003 been a good year for videogames, in your opinion? What have been some of your own personal highlights of the year?

2003 was always going to be a rather difficult year because the excitement surrounding the new consoles has faded, and for many development studios it was all about either releasing your first next-generation console game or coming close to completing it.

For me, 2003 has been a year of a lot of very, very hard work, but I'm proud to say that Lionhead will see the release of three to four games next year and they're all looking as amazing as anything I could have imagined - 2003 also saw Lionhead expand to 210 people.

Looking at the flip-side of the coin, what for you have been the low-points in the videogame world in 2003?

The demise of so many independent development studios. I've seen a lot of friends go through some really awful times, and I'm just grateful that I haven't been in their shoes.

What games have you/seen played in recent times that you would say have pushed the boundaries of the videogame world?

Max Payne 2 - for its gritty film noir storyline and integrated gameplay set in a realistic New York City

Advance Wars 2 on GBA. Although this is a handheld game, the sheer enjoyment of playing a strategy game on handheld and the wonderful pick-up-and-play design means it can compete with any of the high-tech strategy titles.

Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time - it's visual feast, cutting-edge animation and incredible environments has rarely been see before, but shows everyone what next-generation games can be.

How difficult is it as a developer to remain unique (in terms of games) or come up with unique ideas for games?

It is very difficult to come up with new concepts as you have got to have the track record to back it up - it's ironic, because both publishers and consumers are crying out for original IP.

But on the other hand, it's understandable that few companies are prepared to take the risk on new concepts when it can cost millions of pounds and take years of hard work to make an unproven concept.

In which key area or areas would you most like to see the strategy/sim genre progress over the next couple of years?

I'd like to see advances in AI which would create a virtual world for players that was totally believable. This would be a huge leap forward for the strategy/sim genre.

Where do you see graphical technology taking us, in terms changes/advancements it will allow developers bring to the strategy/sim genre?

Graphics technology seems to be advancing minute by minute. Some amazing advances are predicted on the PC by the graphics cards manufactures, and those that are promised by the next next-generation of consoles will enable us to create virtual world that are indistinguishable from the real world. And when applied to all genres of games this will just create an even richer gaming experience

If you could wave a magic wand and create your dream game right now, what would that game be?

It would be a game where you get to meet a person who becomes your best fiend but ultimately turns out to be an AI character.

Finally, what games are you looking forward to in 2004?

Ico 2, Halo 2 and anything original.

Stuart Bishop

(source: )
Even over the internet I can detect a rather large amount of sardonicism in the topic post ;)

Its not unfounded IMO :LOL:
This guy has a track record for hyping things up that turn out to be meh, he's almost as bad as Sony.

and those that are promised by the next next-generation of consoles will enable us to create virtual world that are indistinguishable from the real world.

Promised? I have never heard anything from Sony or MS about PS4 or Xbox3, I think he was talking about PS3 and Xbox2.
Bohdy said:
Even over the internet I can detect a rather large amount of sardonicism in the topic post ;)

Its not unfounded IMO :LOL:
I have edited my post to decrease sardonicism ;)

Paul said:
This guy has a track record for hyping things up that turn out to be meh, he's almost as bad as Sony.

and those that are promised by the next next-generation of consoles will enable us to create virtual world that are indistinguishable from the real world.

Promised? I have never heard anything from Sony or MS about PS4 or Xbox3, I think he was talking about PS3 and Xbox2.
notice the exact wording of the quotation:
next next-generation of consoles
... although with the other grammatical errors in the type-out of the interview, I wouldn't be surprised..
Yes I saw it, but the word 'promised' right before it is interesting. Because there has been no word or anything about PS4, Xbox2.

I would bet he was in reality talking about next gen, although next gen will not yield reality.

Next gen will be the stepping stone, we will hit CGish looking visuals; this before the next leap, which breaks the barrier into the mesh of photorealism.

EDIT I Think I got it. People still call this gen the "next gen consoles" so it could be possible that he still talks of the next gen consoles to be PS2, XB, GC. It would explain everything perfectly, the next next gen consoles would be PS3, XBOX2, N5.

Paul said:
Yes I saw it, but the word 'promised' right before it is interesting. Because there has been no word or anything about PS4, Xbox2.

Um, Paul... there is more than one semantically acceptable way to use "promise" bud - of which this is one. Stating "promise" doesn't necessitate having one of the parties explicitly state what they shall do. Actually, it's cool (and correctly used here) to state what is a given or basis for their expectations.

Like, If I were to say, "The 4th of July promises some amazing firework displays."

Does the the day actually promise? Does it actually speak? Shit no, atleast not untill your inebriated and paying the toilot a visit. But, knowing the specific day you can expect certain things - just as this fool expects certain things from the "next next generation"
Wunderchu said:
I'm sure many of you have heard of Peter Molyneux , one of the most respected people in the gaming industry

Are we talking of the same Molyneux that is infamous for overhyping his games, delaying them year after year and then underdeliver? (Black & White, Fable)?

He made the following statement in a recent interview:
the next next-generation of consoles will enable us to create virtual world that are indistinguishable from the real world.

He says the same thing about all his games. The guy is an ass.

i.e.: if Mr. Molyneux is correct, the PlayStation 4 , Xbox 3 and N6 will be able output graphics that are, in his own words "indistinguishable from the real world"

Except he is not.
It seems that Peter is referring to the upcoming consoles: PS3, N5, XB2 - not the PS4, N6, XB3 which would be out sometime between 2010~2012.

It would also seem that he is hyping the next generation of consoles beyond all reasonable expection.
I personally think that aiming for something "indistinguishable from the real world" in the next few years is pure folly, but you can't fault Peter for ambition. Film makers are getting there but they don't have to deal with full, interactive worlds for starters, plus the big SFX films are mainly about making the unbelievable believable which isn't the same thing.

There are tougher problems beyond graphics (which is what PM seems to be referring to in this instance) if you're chasing the real world chimera. Certainly next generation consoles are going to allow for more convincing _alternate_ realities, although they won't make development any easier. :)
Well some pple here already know my opinions regarding PM's development approach, but I'll repeat it. I disagree with his development style. My humble opinion, but the RULE should be to create something FUN, instead of creating great physics, wonderful AI, amazing "reality", then HOPING/THINKING that it is fun. :?

A few weeks ago a research group managed to stop light for a short period, before it continues its travel. That's awesome and exciting physics, but is it fun for the entertainment value we are interested in?
He is talking about PS3/Xbox2/N5 I would say, as it wasn't "next-next-generation," but hey it could be a typo, and who the hell cares anyway, since Molyneux neutral state in recent years has been from very excited to completely overblown? :p
He's referring to this generation as "next-generation" so "next next-generation" would be PS3/GC2/Xbox 2.

Merry Christmas everyone.
pcostabel said:
Are we talking of the same Molyneux that is infamous for overhyping his games, delaying them year after year and then underdeliver? (Black & White, Fable)?
Peter is a bright guy, he just gets too excited and twittery about his ideas and people tend to put too much faith into every single word he utters. It's almost as bad as with John Carmack. The problem is that because of their past achievements, the media is all too willing to believe or even embellish every single of their claims, which ends up in sometimes ridiculous expectations.

I know Molyneux bashing is "da thing" these days, gets you into all the trendy game reviewer's lounges and all. Still, millions of gamers had countless hours of fun thatnks to this man for almost 2 decades. Some of his games are less fun and polished than they could have been, but at least they're more often than not innovative and unique. Like his games or not, this guy knows more about game design and all that is involved than most of us ever will.

People should just learn not to take Peter's (or any other developer's) mutterings too literal, they are just human beings after all...
Oh, I don't disrespect the man seriously, and I've certainly had a ball with him over the years, which is why I say "in recent years." ;) I also don't hate Black and White nearly as much as most others do, but he's still been bubbling over about his products and other things he taken a fancy to more of late than he should.
please guys this is like george lucas saying from now on he is going to use the ps2 to render his star wars movies :) Its just hype. No one expects it to be real. Mabye with the ps5 if for some reason they haven't moved past 640x480 we could get close to real life. But i doubt it . Anyway shouldn't we be getting drunk . Its x mass . Happy holidays. I will be gone for 7 days so please be nice to sonic :)
Can´t we stop talking about this gfx, we are spoiled. Don´t someone remember the days with games like Quackshot(Genesis), Wonderboy in *** , oh and on Mastersystem Alex kid on the block(right??) ahhh that were days... :cry: Young and with all the Fantasy in mind..