peeing my pants here...

Ante P said:
ffs I wouldn't hesitate one second to go out and buy a gamecube for these three games alone

man I bet these babies will gor for mucho $ at ebay later on ;)

I bought a GCN recently on the basis of Zelda. :) I doubt it'll become much of a collector's item though because there are going to be millions of them.
"Starting Feb. 16, 2003, Nintendo fans can get a double-hit of Zelda. When a customer places a deposit for The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker at a participating retailer, they’ll receive a special, limited-edition playable disk featuring two games: The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time and The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Master Quest -- an updated version of the game which was never released outside of Japan."

It isn't as simple as if it wasn't released outside Japan. It was never released period. This is the infamous URA Zelda that was supposed to be released for the 64DD add on.

I'm supposed to send my record to the pressing plant but f*ck it, it can wait. I'd rather have this :) well it's off to the videogame store first thing tomorrow. :D Ok maybe not, but damn I want this baby.
Might as well pick up Star Fox Adventures and perhaps even Mario Sunshine, though I hated Mario 64 so incredibly much that I'm afraid to spoil my memories of good old Super Mario anymore...
Is there going to be a similar deal for the UK?

Please say yes, please say yes, please say yes, please say yes (repeat 1 million times).

Hang on a minute I never have really played any Zelda (I bet I am setting myself up for a lot of flaming!!). Ah well this must be that infamous hyping deal working at me innards.

before you all bludgeon me to death I did say I never really played Zelda - I had OoT for the SNES but never could get into it. Didn't see the point of going into a dungeon getting some feather (or whatever) to give to some NPC so that I could go on to the next quest. However I have since seen the light (I was young and reckless) and now see the point of dooing such things all too clearly.
LOL you sound like those boring guys who try to explain love by giving you a lecture on electrical/chemical reactions in your brain ;)

zelda is love...

I sound like a boring guy?

Nah its old age mate.. but in my old age I am learning what love is.

And before we get any further off topic:

please say yes, please say yes, please say yes (times 100 billion times).
misae said:
I sound like a boring guy?

I was refering to your explanation of the Zelda concept. Though it's "true" there's still much more to the game than that. :)

I also wonder if this is US/Asia only or perhaps us European guys can enjoy it too.

As I've said, I'll go buy a damn Cube just for these three games.

Does anyone have a clue about the rumors that went on about the N64 games?
When rumors about their presence started leaking I remember reading that they would allow two different graphics modes. Original and GC Enhanced. *drool*
Or perhaps even pics? More links please!
misae said:
before you all bludgeon me to death I did say I never really played Zelda - I had OoT for the SNES but never could get into it. Didn't see the point of going into a dungeon getting some feather (or whatever) to give to some NPC so that I could go on to the next quest.

...what the hell? OoT wasn't even on the SNES.

And there aren't even any parts in A Link to the Past that involve giving things to people, that's in the GB/GBC games only.
Tagrineth said:
misae said:
before you all bludgeon me to death I did say I never really played Zelda - I had OoT for the SNES but never could get into it. Didn't see the point of going into a dungeon getting some feather (or whatever) to give to some NPC so that I could go on to the next quest.

...what the hell? OoT wasn't even on the SNES.

And there aren't even any parts in A Link to the Past that involve giving things to people, that's in the GB/GBC games only.

Er... I meant the other SNES Zelda game.. I am such a fan I have even forgotten its name.. A Link to the Past?? Heheh
The feather is introduced in the first Game Boy Zelda, Link's Awakening.. which I'm coincidentally playing through right now.