PC vs console hardware

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OS overhead and optimizeing for a fixed hw platform aside. Would a console be less hardware demanding (transistors etc) when designed only for gaming than a PC to be a match for games?
OS overhead and optimizeing for a fixed hw platform aside. Would a console be less hardware demanding (transistors etc) when designed only for gaming than a PC to be a match for games?

Transistor ratings/amount, Im not overly sure. A gaming pc is composed of many components that dont exist in console (sound card for example). Motherboards have to accomodate features that one wouldnt associate with consoles as well. Cpus and Gpus are often beefier than what we see in consoles (for many reasons including power consumption and heat, and their need to run programs outside of gaming).

I dont see how comparing transistor counts is going to give a definitive answer in the scenario but Im not completely sure. I would say taken into a void that a console would overall have less transistors than a mid to mid high gaming pc (although I honestly have never thought to check).
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Personally I always prefered console hardware when it comes to games for the following reasons despite the PC's technical superiotity

1) You dont have to worry about incompatibilities, inefficiencies and drivers,

2) You get what you paid for. For PCs you pay a bucketload of money and rarely games fully take advandage of your card's true capabilities. Developers can esploit fully the console's capabilities

3) Your game will play just as exactly "shown". Yours wont play worse or better than someone else's game on the same platform.

4) game performance will not be affected by the state of your hardware and software.

5) You wont worry that the next game released on the platform wont play on your device (PCs evolve so fast that in a matter of a short period the next best release might not play or not play well at all on your PC. They get outdated fast)

OS overhead and optimizeing for a fixed hw platform aside. Would a console be less hardware demanding (transistors etc) when designed only for gaming than a PC to be a match for games?

Your kinda giving us a very tricky question here. When designed only for gaming? But your not accounting for optimizing? I don't know how well the Cell stacks up against a quad-conroe for example.

GPU wise it would be the same.
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