PC show in Highland, IN next week!

It's one of my favorite occassions and a mini-holiday I try like hell to make at every opportunity, the local Highland, Indiana monthly/bi-monthly (it changes) PC show.

Technically I guess this would be considered an ad, but it's more like a notice for any geeks in the area that there is a really cool little geek get-together every now and again at the local Lincoln Center. (A converted elementary school now recreation center)

The gymnasium gets tables set up all along the circumference and there is a circle of tables set up in the middle so there is basically a big circular isle of local vendors selling computer bits and you can get some damned great deals there! Kind of like pricewatch prices, but without the shipping.

There is a $5us cover to get in, but it's well worth it. I go even if I ain't got any need for anything or cash just to be able to speak geek to some people live and in person for a while. 8) (I got a great relationship with most of the vendors there, I've been going for years now and they've gotten to know me. :LOL: )

Just a heads up, I'll be going. :)
Well, I'M still all excited!!!!