There is a new version of ENB mod for GTAIV. This one works well with my 4890 and Cat 9.12. No game crash when exiting game.
Now when I used it I did not enable it (I set it to disabled in config file). However it seems to make the game up the framebuffer size/post-process buffer size which makes the IQ much better. The otherwise low-res post-process buffer is now high-res and makes the DOF effect smooth out image with slight bluriness. Negative is the increased buffer(s) soakes up VRAM like a dog soakes up fat chunks.
Atleast I get around 20-30fps with mostly 20fps+ and some few spots down to 16-18fps and a few VRAM killing spots down to 5-10fps. Considering the settings I have the RAM is used as VRAM and I wouldn't be surprised if I was near or above 2GB VRAM use. Oh well for those with 58xx 2GB this is the combo for best visuals and you would have smooth perfomance aslong as your CPU can hold it.
Screenshots. Looks damn smooth in motion and jaggies/aliasing barely visible (note ENB SSAA is off). System is E8400 dual-core @3.6GHz, stock 4890 1GB, 8GB RAM, 16xAF, Cat AI off, weather mod, 2xdraw distance mod, object LOD increase mod and the settings in last screenshot.
How I set the ENB mod config. Ofcourse the DisplayWidth/DisplayHeight should be set to a value your monitor supports but for me it is native res.
Now when I used it I did not enable it (I set it to disabled in config file). However it seems to make the game up the framebuffer size/post-process buffer size which makes the IQ much better. The otherwise low-res post-process buffer is now high-res and makes the DOF effect smooth out image with slight bluriness. Negative is the increased buffer(s) soakes up VRAM like a dog soakes up fat chunks.
Atleast I get around 20-30fps with mostly 20fps+ and some few spots down to 16-18fps and a few VRAM killing spots down to 5-10fps. Considering the settings I have the RAM is used as VRAM and I wouldn't be surprised if I was near or above 2GB VRAM use. Oh well for those with 58xx 2GB this is the combo for best visuals and you would have smooth perfomance aslong as your CPU can hold it.
Screenshots. Looks damn smooth in motion and jaggies/aliasing barely visible (note ENB SSAA is off). System is E8400 dual-core @3.6GHz, stock 4890 1GB, 8GB RAM, 16xAF, Cat AI off, weather mod, 2xdraw distance mod, object LOD increase mod and the settings in last screenshot.
How I set the ENB mod config. Ofcourse the DisplayWidth/DisplayHeight should be set to a value your monitor supports but for me it is native res.
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