Paddington Game Lengths

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Not sure why anyone is arguing over the semantics of "padding." All that really matters is how much playtime there is, if that's a concern for you. If you don't like to search around for collectibles, or admire the scenery, or listen to every single piece of dialog, then you'll be somewhere close the the minimum. If you like to do all that stuff, you'll be close to the maximum. All you really need to know is the range, it it seems like 5.5 - 12 is the range, including cut scenes.
Words with specific meanings are an important feature of good communication and logical thinking.
Padding doesn't need to be unenjoyable to be padding therefore something being enjoyable is not proof that it's not padding.
How do you decide between a gameplay feature being a gameplay feature or padding?

Extending The Order's time-to-completion without adding gameplay would involve lengthening all the corridors and adding more space between encounters and requiring multiple double-backs across the map and having more sneak areas where you are forced to move at half speed.

Adding sneak areas where you choose to move normal speed or slowly, and areas to explore and find collectibles, would extend the game's play time by adding gameplay features.

Do you regards these as the same thing? Are they both padding?
How do you decide between a gameplay feature being a gameplay feature or padding?

Extending The Order's time-to-completion without adding gameplay would involve lengthening all the corridors and adding more space between encounters and requiring multiple double-backs across the map and having more sneak areas where you are forced to move at half speed.

Adding sneak areas where you choose to move normal speed or slowly, and areas to explore and find collectibles, would extend the game's play time by adding gameplay features.

Do you regards these as the same thing? Are they both padding?
When was it established that a gameplay feature cannot be padding? Finding collectibles is akin to your example of double back across the map.

The sneak areas where you are forced to move at half speed are a thing in this game too but I don't consider them padding since they add a different type of challenge and make perfect sense story wise.
Not sure why anyone is arguing over the semantics of "padding."
Because "padding" is the last argument left against 1886 from those who will never play it.
1. Weeks of arguments about RaD using cheap trick with ugly chromatic aberration being the devil... busted.
2. Interminable arguments that there is PROOF the game is only 5 hours long... busted
3. Now anyone saying it's more than 5 hours, it's because of "padding"... busting in progress
4. ???

Next will probably be about the particles being ugly.
Can I nominate TO:1886 for an award?

The "causing a ton of divisive trivial arguments amongst those who haven't played it because it hasn't been released yet" award. First it was bland gameplay, then it was blurry graphics and bland color palette, and now its game length. I've never seen a game, which seemed destined for a ton of favorable review scores, spawn so many negative discussions on here. Its like the XB1 of gaming software.
Because "padding" is the last argument left against 1886 from those who will never play it.
1. Weeks of arguments about RaD using cheap trick with ugly chromatic aberration being the devil... busted.
2. Interminable arguments that there is PROOF the game is only 5 hours long... busted
3. Now anyone saying it's more than 5 hours, it's because of "padding"... busting in progress
4. ???

Next will probably be about the particles being ugly.
1) That's still true.
2) Still true, with video evidence.
3) That's probably the case judging by the video evidence.
Because "padding" is the last argument left against 1886 from those who will never play it.
1. Weeks of arguments about RaD using cheap trick with ugly chromatic aberration being the devil... busted.
2. Interminable arguments that there is PROOF the game is only 5 hours long... busted
3. Now anyone saying it's more than 5 hours, it's because of "padding"... busting in progress
4. ???

Next will probably be about the particles being ugly.

No it will probably be complaints about "dude brah in a british accent" voice acting.
"Padding" is fine as long as you can skip it if you don't like the time&effort / reward ratio.

I don't think there's anything left to discuss on The Order's length. We had a video of someone not speedrunning, playing on normal, dying a bit and pausing a bit, finish the game in 5.5 hours. That can't be argued. They also stated that this was their first attempt at the game, so it was an on-sight and unpractised run.

It's a short game.

If you want to go for collectibles and soak up the atmosphere your play time will likely be longer.

They need to patch in skippable cut-scenes, and add some challenge modes. I think Sony will do this. It might still offer lots of replay and lots of overall playtime if they do.
Can I nominate TO:1886 for an award?

The "causing a ton of divisive trivial arguments amongst those who haven't played it because it hasn't been released yet" award. First it was bland gameplay, then it was blurry graphics and bland color palette, and now its game length.

People who are invested in competing console hang out in exclusive game thread and say nothing but negative things, it's like B3D is a video game forum. :)
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I would normally blame the mods, but the situation seems entertaining for some reason.
Can I nominate TO:1886 for an award?

The "causing a ton of divisive trivial arguments amongst those who haven't played it because it hasn't been released yet" award. First it was bland gameplay, then it was blurry graphics and bland color palette, and now its game length. I've never seen a game, which seemed destined for a ton of favorable review scores, spawn so many negative discussions on here. Its like the XB1 of gaming software.

By that nature can I nominate anything ever made by Microsoft? Before anything ever made by MS is ever available or released there has been MFT of threads trying to spin negative tales of woe about it.
Back on topic have anyone seen Paddington, is too childish for a 7 years old?
It really looks CGI.
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