OMMFG, puppy blew out her butt?


I'm NOT joking and this is NOT meant as any kind of a humorous post, I'm in a state damn near total panic. :?

The black lab that I'm watching Lucy has been constipated since I picked her up yesterday, she walked around in the puppy-pooping position grunting for 10-20 minutes at a time not able to squeeze anything out and she'd keep asking to go out to grunt some more. I knew it wasn't good, but figured it was due to some dehydration/starvation/eating sticks and leaves and a few days of solid food and water would help or else I'd look into it further...

Been a busy night after a hellish day, and as I'm finally getting the kids down she bugs me to go out and just won't come back in. I leave her for an hour figuring she needs the time to work it out.

I go out an hour later cause she wouldn't come when I called, and she is collapsed/lying down in the yard with just a pile of shit and blood by her ass and she's damn near unresponsive. She opened her eyes when I was petting her soothing her for the last hour, but she is not interested at all in getting up or moving nor does she want me to go near her ass. (I don't really want to, I'll probably puke a few times; but I'll do what I have to do)

What the fuck should I do? :oops:

I've been sitting out there with her for an hour comforting her and petting her speaking happies to her gently after covering her with a blanket. I don't want to force her to the 24 hour vets because I've had too many times where I did that just to have the poor animal die there or on the way there in fear and panic....and I ain't sure she's dying either. Her breathing is a bit shallow but very steady.

Glad all went well! :D

Damn, you're surely never bored, are you? I wouldn't be wondering if you come with some crazy aliens story next... :)
You need to take her to the vet anyway man, get her bowels examined. If she pooped blood there's a reason for it, and it's not going to be a good one.
This could be very serious, take her to a wet immediately!
One of the common stomach illnesses with larger dogs is a condition were the bowels have come lose from their attachments (either through play, or other physical activity) and the whole digestion system has actually been spun around inside the stomach, twisting the rectum and shutting of further passage. From what you describe, it sounds like it could be that.
Dogs have a way of getting used to (even extreme) pain, so don't let the fact the she seems better fool you.
Squeak said:
This could be very serious, take her to a wet immediately!
One of the common stomach illnesses with larger dogs is a condition were the bowels have come lose from their attachments (either through play, or other physical activity) and the whole digestion system has actually been spun around inside the stomach, twisting the rectum and shutting of further passage. From what you describe, it sounds like it could be that.
Dogs have a way of getting used to (even extreme) pain, so don't let the fact the she seems better fool you.
That's how I lost my last girl, she had twisted her stomach. (I found it all out after the fact. :( )

Last night Lucy came out and said howdy to me which I thought was a great sign, 'til I walked down the hall and saw the huge trails of poop/blood she'd splattered everywhere. :?

An hour of cleaning later and all was better, woke up this morning to a few pools of blood in the bedroom and splatters; but SHE seems better at least.

I'm just sitting here quietly freaking trying to get my kids ready for school since I gotta and the vets don't open for another 20 minutes anyways.

I'm taking her to the vets.
Digi next time something like that happens.... CALL the vets. being as how vet's generally care about animals they usually will give you free advice on what to do if you call them with an emergency....
Rudyard Kipling said:
There is sorrow enough in the natural way
From men and women to fill our day;
But when we are certain of sorrow in store,
Why do we always arrange for more?
Brothers and sisters, I bid you beware
Of giving your hearts to a dog to tear.

Buy a pup and your money will buy
Love unflinching that cannot lie -
Perfect passion and worship fed
By a kick in the ribs or a pat on the head.
Nevertheless it is hardly fair
To risk you heart for a dog to tear.

When the fourteen years that nature permits,
Are closing in asthma, or tumor, or fits,
And the Vet's unspoken prescription runs
to lethal chambers or loaded guns,
Then you will find - it's your own affair
But - you've given your heart to a dog to tear.

We've sorrow enough in the natural way
When it comes to burying Christian clay.
Our loves are not given, but only lent
At compound interest of cent per cent,
For when debts are payable, right or wrong,
A short time loan is as bad as a long -
So why in Heaven (before we are there)
Should we give our hearts to a dog to tear?

When the body that lived at your single will,
When the whimper of welcome is stilled
When the spirit that answered your every mood
Is gone - wherever it goes - for good,
You soon discover how much you care,
And give your heart to a NEW dog to tear.
I took her to the vet, it was a huge and cancerous thingy that was causing her extreme pain. There was a chance that she could survive a surgery to fix it, but the recovery would be long and painful and she would be rectally incontenent for the rest of her life.

That's not a quality of life worthy of her, I put her down. She passed away in my arms at the vets this morning about an hour ago.

digitalwanderer said:
I took her to the vet, it was a huge and cancerous thingy that was causing her extreme pain. There was a chance that she could survive a surgery to fix it, but the recovery would be long and painful and she would be rectally incontenent for the rest of her life.

That's not a quality of life worthy of her, I put her down. She passed away in my arms at the vets this morning about an hour ago.


lovely poem. i lost the dog that i'd had since i was 5 or 6 a year and a half ago. her name was Alice. She was a dalmation. my first pet, and first true best friend. and dammit now you've got me crying.
I'm so sorry about that dig.

But on the other side, be glad for her that she could come "home" for a real happy day with you before she passed away. That and going to sleep in your arms is probably the best finale a dog can wish for.
Sorry, I always find comfort in those words of Kiplings whenever I lose a friend.

I lost my puppy best-friend-in-the-world Maggie about 3 years ago, and she happened to look almost identical to Lucy and died in my arms almost the exact same way. :?

Rough night, rought day; mucho sadness. :(
I'm sorry man, that's really sad... :( I'm glad your puppy was loved to the end though, many doggies don't get to go that way...

Again, I'm sorry for your loss.
Thanks for the kindness everybody, here's a copy/paste of a post I just made over at EB:

digitalwanderer said:
Thanks everyone. I know I did the right thing and what was in her best interests, but it still sucks and the fact that she happens to look almost identical to me best puppy friend in the world Maggie who died 3 years ago in my arms sure don't help matters none. :?

Maggie dying is still the most traumatic event in my life, and I pretty much had to re-live it last night and this morning...but I'm glad I was there for Lucy and that she didn't die alone, afraid, or in pain.

Her brother Rudy is a little freaked, he's still looking around for her. My puppy Beanie is happy, (her and Lucy didn't get along so well, they were competing for alpha dominance in the house), and the cats came out of the basement and are actually KISSING Rudy and making friends with him. :oops:

My daughter is sad, but over the worst of it. My wife is sad but mainly worried about me as she knows how hard it hits me and how I associate Lucy/Maggie, and in about a half hour I get to go pick up my son from school and break the news to him. :(

Oh, and my friend in jail who's dog she was called me and I told him about it as best I could and it hit him hard. He was glad I was with her and was there for her, but it was hard to make out what he said after I told him thru the tears. The only bit I was really clear on was when he was saying good-bye and he said something like, "I gotta go John, I gotta go explain to someone why it is NOT a good idea to laugh at someone who is crying over their dog dying" I'm just hoping he doesn't mess the guy up too bad and extend his sentence. :?

All in all, it is a truly suck-butt day.

(I really do appreciate all the kind words though, I just thought I'd post up and finish the story it helps me out a lot just to be able to get it all out. )
This is turning into a very long day, and I think it's the first time I just haven't wanted to really post anything anywhere ever. :(
Sorry to hear about Lucy, Dig. Sounds like she was one of those that suffer in silence and you don't know something is wrong with them until they're too far gone. I've only lost one dog like that, but one is one too many.
Don't worry Digi, your pup will wait for you across the rainbow bridge, and in the meantime she can play with all the other pups there already. :)