To say MGS, let alone MGS3 is a boring series without any eveidence makes it hard to believe those statements. There's a thin line between bias and truth!
. So tell me, why is it? I guarantee the next words you type are opinionated
. What's that you say? The very words i speak are too? Hmmm, the only way to discover the truth is to find more opinions...just to make sure this game is truely boring and not just an opinion from someone who doesn't prefer this type of gameplay...
"I have to mention that the sheer amount of gameplay in MGS3 is colossal and going over it all again would make this article far too long a read."
"For starters, its
replay value is absolutely phenomenal"
"Join us as we go undercover and find out why MGS3: Snake Eater sophisticated mix of
action, stealth and, cunning make it another landmark in the series' evolution"
You will find yourself restarting the game hours in just because of one mistake. That, in addition to the tons of extras like boss camo, face paint, and other little easter eggs, you'll
never get tired of playing."
Now based on those reviews, not one of them said that MGS3 was a boring game. So one of two thngs has happened 1.We're all wrong or bias or 2. you're wrong or bias. Majority wins by default!