Official Why Can't People Just Play Today's Games Damnit?!


This thread is being created obviously as an answer to all of the "official <insert your next-gen console name here>" threads that have cropped up lately.

People. There are fantastic games on every console this generation. The next-gen consoles are at least 2-3 years away. Isn't there something to be said for enjoying what you've got now? I mean god. :rolleyes:
Re: Official Why Can't People Just Play Today's Games Damnit

Natoma said:
I mean god.

Why can't people *cough* just live todays life without delving into the numnerous ideologies that drive it forward? Why discuss the differential forms of Theocratic, Political, Cultural, Socio-Economic, Sexual or any of the other ideologies that drive us forward (or backwards)?

Because it gives us something to do! It just so happens that not all discussions are on the same.. shall we say, erudite plane.
At least those other topics can be quantified, or affect people's lives in positive/negative ways. Talking about uber consoles being powered by nuclear reactors and running "100 Trillion Quintrium Polymorphs (TM)" that won't be out for 2-3 years and people actually getting into hissy fits doesn't exactly engender what i'd call quality discussions. :)
Natoma said:
At least those other topics can be quantified, or affect people's lives in positive/negative ways. Talking about uber consoles being powered by nuclear reactors and running "100 Trillion Quintrium Polymorphs (TM)" that won't be out for 2-3 years and people actually getting into hissy fits doesn't exactly engender what i'd call quality discussions. :)

Millions are earning their lives in games industry and associated services.... ;) ....
It's a bit like comparing football teams

For most people gaming is a hobby, and even for people working in the industry they often chose the industry rather than being forced into it..
So most of these chats to me are a bit like comparing the performances of your favorite sports teams, including analysing the effects of the individual players ( graphics and technical discussions ) the coaching ( game design ) and the formation of dream team / transfer wishes ( next gen discussion )

BB abuse and trolling is probally better on the whole than ganging up at your favorite stadium / pub and then trying to kick the crap out of the opposing fans on the whole ( IMHO - there may even be some catharic release that can be shown.... na.... )
Isn't there something to be said for enjoying what you've got now?

Try pointing out the game that is out(worth having) or hardware aspect of this gen that we haven't already covered. So what do we do? Move on to upcoming games and next gen hardware.

Look at this site in its entirety period. Check out the gaming forum compared to the 3D tech ones. We talk about games here about 4:1 over hardware most of the time, the rest of the forums are closer to 1:100 ;)
I admit talking about games with your friends is almost as fun as playing them sometimes. I think the anticipation is really what drives discussion boards. I mean I'm so pumped about EGM's new blowout with Factor 5 and Rogue Squadron; Rebel Strike. Especially after seeing Crispin's post saying "I think (after interviewing F5 and playing the game) that Factor 5 knows their sh!t and this game proves it".

You see it's just the hype and newness of upcoming software that can drive the net and discussions. E3 is the perfect example as well.
Goldni said:
I admit talking about games with your friends is almost as fun as playing them sometimes.

I'll go even further and say that talking about upcoming games is often more fun than playing them when they are released...

I believe this is called imagination.
Ingenu said:
I'll go even further and say that talking about upcoming games is often more fun than playing them when they are released...

I believe this is called imagination.

Actually, beta testing games is better than anticipating OR playing them! :p
I didn't realise we had to devote our lives to either playing games or talking about them to the exclusion of all else. Do we have to dedicate ourselves to a single console, or are we allowed to play more than one?