Official Playstation 3 Price reveiled!

g35er said:
The whole point is that Sony and every company will charge whatever they believe people will pay. That's all. You say that number is around $300-400. That's a fair and legitimate guess. Others say it's more like $400-500. That's also a legitimate guess.

There is a little more than that.

Sony (and any company) will charge what they beleive people will pay...and ALSO taking into consideration the supply constraints they have. Supply / demand is a curve. It's not like at $500, "people are not willing to pay". It's "at $500, less people are willing to pay than at $400".

So, for launch:

1) Sony will determine about how many units they can actually manufacture to have at launch: X Units.

2) Sony will "guess" at what price point they can have so that there is enough demand to buy X Units at launch.

This is an oversimplification of course, but that's the basics.
mckmas8808 said:
So if they have little supply do you expect the PS3 to be $500?

Hard to say...there are lots of factors that impact supply and demand.

The bottom line is, the smaller the supply, the more likely the possibility of getting to $500.

At this time, I would bet on $400. But anywhere from $350 to $500 would not surprise me either.
PS2 did cost 450€ at launch, I don't expect PS3 to cost any less, and likely more.
PG2G said:
Yeah. Well, I was more so referring to the fact that Bill Gates said Halo 3 would be out for PS3 launch and he promptly received a "STFU, you don't know what you're talking about" from everyone Xbox related :p In other words, the words of a higher up may not always be consistent with the people who would know better.

LOL. Perhaps because people know that the schedule is not controlled by the CEO, especially for a mega-hit title like Halo ? It's not exactly like MS Office where they can patch the bug later.

As for price point, it should be possible for Sir Howard Stringer to stick his neck out to "commit" giving sufficient info from marketing and production (if he did say that during the interview, that is).
mckmas8808 said:
Yeah and how does it help Sony if they price the PS3 at $500? Dare to explain that to me and all the other people here? Obviously if Sony prices the PS3 between $300-$400 it will be helping out them and the consumer.

Adding to the comments below already discussed, I think Sony could make a killing at $500. I honestly think they'll make more money pricing it higher than the Xbox360. I've never actually seen a PS2 cheaper than a Xbox, and look how that worked out :)

And pricing the machine at a significant loss won't help the company given their financial issues at the moment. Being sued by Texas, Cell R+D, Blu-Ray R+D, etc. I'm sure they'll make it (and make it VERY big) over the next five years, but keep in mind a company has to report financials quarterly to shareholders. They'll want to "make it" with the books looking good, as opposed to making it with a bigger loss figure on the PS3 Profit and Loss balance sheet.

All up, we can hypothesise all we like, but none of us really understand the supply and demand of this market too well at all.
mckmas8808 said:
Well the PS2 cost me $300 on launch day so what should I think? Maybe $350?

Euro having gone up and US dollars down I would say you should expect substentially more.
I should check different consoles prices at launch to see if this is a valid way to evaluate the PS3 price though.
(Too lazy at the time, plus it's time to sleep anyway ;p)
being that, PlayStation3 is only getting:

*one Cell (Processor Element) instead of several Cells, and a crippled one at that
(7 SPEs working and only 3.2 GHz clock)
*a conventional GPU without EDRAM, instead of a radical GS3 with EDRAM
*the lowest-end Rambus Yellowstone / XDR-DRAM memory as far as bandwidth (25.6 GB/sec rather than 51 GB/sec or 102 GB/sec)
*a 128-bit bus for GPU to GDDR3
*a Blu-ray drive without recording features and probably 1x speed

it does not surprise me in the least that PS3 is going to be priced at $300~$400 rather than $500.
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Megadrive1988 said:
being that, PlayStation3 is only getting:

*a Blu-ray drive without recording features and probably 1x speed

it does not surprise me in the least that PS3 is going to be priced at $300~$400 rather than $500.

Blu-ray drive can't be 1X speed. It must be at least 1.5X I think for movie playability.
Sony wont price the PS3 at 'what they think it will sell at', if they price it at $500 they may sell through but you'll have lots of people looking at the rev and 360 for around $249 saying "You know what, i'll never spend that much on a console so i'll just buy one of these others." Its not only what THEY can sell but what the perception of prospective buyers is as well.
expletive said:
Sony wont price the PS3 at 'what they think it will sell at', if they price it at $500 they may sell through but you'll have lots of people looking at the rev and 360 for around $249 saying "You know what, i'll never spend that much on a console so i'll just buy one of these others." Its not only what THEY can sell but what the perception of prospective buyers is as well.

Exactly. The PS3 doesn't deserve to be priced at $200 to $250 more than the Xbox 360.
Guden Oden said:
People are already saying the typeface on the side of the PS3 comes from the spiderman title, so naturally that would be the case yes... :D

(Actually, it's not the same typeface, but people never let facts screw with their own wild assumptions... ;))

Would be hard for spidy 3

Unless we are expecting a 2007 launch date now :oops:

Most likely spider man 1 / 2 bluray disc in 720p with almost no features (mostly stuff showing the diffrence between reses ) just to get people interested .

Not for nothing but i can't think of any big sony pictures from 2005 or early 2006(From what i know is coming out ) that will be a big deal on bluray or even dvd .

All thier big stuff is from 2004 or earlier .

Ghost rider would be cool but that is the end of 2006 i beleive for a thearter release