Official Playstation 3 Price reveiled!

Powderkeg said:
They would lose a lot more than just a half billion. If they lose an additional $30 per system for just the first 30 million systems that's a $900 million loss. They would lose more money at first, and would continue losing money longer than they had planned for.

Actually the make that money back by selling games, and movies released on Blu-ray. The adoption rate for games for the PS2 is very high this generation, and if continued with the PS3, Sony will see massive profits not loses.

That's the whole point of this game, sell the hardware at a break-even point, or a slight loss, and reap the rewards through software.

Sony is currently paying off the cost of billion dollar factories with the massive profits it's making off of the PS2, and PSP. Sony is doing very well, and right now has nothing to worry about.
Uttar said:
Sir Howard is announcing it, and not Kutaragi? Uh-oh. The other stuff was expected imo, but that's a serious mark of commitement on making PS3 a success from Sony's part, imo. That makes it more than "yet another wild vision" from Ken Kutaragi that doesn't properly fit in the company's agenda.

It's not so strange considering that Sony is riding on Playstation. Personally, I think Sony will come around in a more general way and be back playing ball in TVs, stereos, and portable digital music players, but I also think that the Playstation will play a key role in reversing the image of failure they have had in recent years.

Kutaragi should be enjoying this one. Watching the company squirm, not exactly sure what to make of him, but being dependent and one day endebted to him for saving the company. Well, that's what I think.

I hope it's also fun and not everything becomes about profit and loss columns. That's the one final pitfal for a company almost ready to make a big comeback.
Ooh-videogames said:
What big blockbuster film could be released on Blue ray disc in time for PS3 launch?

I would have said Spider-Man 3, but looking at the release date I see it's slated for 2007. Can that really be right? At any rate, I think this would be the BVD (not the underwear) to get. It may not be the first, but I think this one will be remembered as "the one that started it all."

PS. Not a huge fan of the movies but they have been successful and action movies would certainly do a Hi-Def format justice.
Shifty Geezer said:
I think that's one of those ill-informed statements that's muddling up the different quotes from various sources. We've heard this before but no-one here excepts it as real. More likely RSX is faster than two top-of-the-range-back-then 6800s SLI'd, or at the very extreme 2x G70 SLI'd, which is unlikely unless they've done some amazing magic. 2x the top-end G70 is extreme beyond belief.

The engineering on the RSX hasn't finished yet has it?
Brimstone said:
The engineering on the RSX hasn't finished yet has it?

There's been no word as to a tape-out yet.

But something's got to be up, since final dev kits including an RSX are supposed to begin shipping in December. So either RSX has taped out and we just don't know, or it hasn't taped out and those final dev kits might be a bit late. If it's the later, RSX better be a monster of a chip to still be in design at this late date.
xbdestroya said:
There's been no word as to a tape-out yet.

But something's got to be up, since final dev kits including an RSX are supposed to begin shipping in December. So either RSX has taped out and we just don't know, or it hasn't taped out and those final dev kits might be a bit late. If it's the later, RSX better be a monster of a chip to still be in design at this late date.

It seems likely that it's already taped out, but since its being fabbed by Sony we probably won't be hearing much about it (especially not through the normal sources)? That seems the most likely situation.
Hellbinder said:
Xbox is dead because....
Because it has no special distinguishing features, it isn't even going to be the cheapest, if Nintendo is to be believed.
Sure, live has a few features that other online services do not (but may get), big deal! And again you pay dearly for those measly extra features even if you're not using them all.

Plus I would wait to see what exactly they release. Sony has done nothing but LIE their *beeps* off when talking abou their consoles and software before launches. Theya re about as deceitfull as they come.
Now that's a lie in it self. I have never seen SCE lie in print. Please don't start with the Toy Story graphics sh't, that quote has never been said by anyone at Sony, do a search. No one has been able to find anything.
Microsoft on the other hand, claimed CGI like graphics in a pre launch interview.
What's more, they also exaggerated their specs to a degree, that could and should be classified as lying. 4.0Gpixel fillrate? 80GFLOP GPU? 125M polygons? Mirages all of it.

SCE on the other hand, always give peak numbers for their hardware, which is not lying at all as the hardware actually can do what is claimed. It is quite common in engineering papers to give peak performance only for a certain piece of machinery.
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expletive said:
. Not sure why this announcement is news or that a $349 price point should be 'worrisome' for nintendo or microsoft.

Come on expletive you engaged on the Merrill Lynch debate didn't you? Plenty of people were saying that $399 was the lowest that Sony could go. And some people were expecting a $500 PS3!:oops:

So to see a Sony rep (A CEO by all means) say that the PS3 could be as low as $300 or as high as $400 is great news for us PS3 buyers. Maybe Sony is looking at a $400 with bundles or maybe they will do the core/premium package like MS. Either way it is news.
Bobbler said:
It seems likely that it's already taped out, but since its being fabbed by Sony we probably won't be hearing much about it (especially not through the normal sources)? That seems the most likely situation.

Yeah I would definitely put money on it's being taped out if I had to bet on one or the other.
Phil said:
IMO I think Sony has done quite a smart move: By making everyone believe PS3 is twice as powerful and a hi-tech supercomputer, everyone (including analysts: see the Merryl L. analysis! - I'm sure Sony loves them for that) are shouting that Sony is going to up the price at least ten fold in order to avoid bankrupting themselfs. Then everyone sees Microsoft, thinking it's at least affordable what they're offering this christmas and that PS3 is going to be too expensive anyway... and then BANG, you have Stringer hinting that the price will be within what we've been used to for the last 10 years from them! And everyone starts to think "WOW, for $400, I'm getting a hi-tech CELL processor, a blu-ray super hi-definition next gen player, KillZone roxxorz graphix!!111".

^^ And for those that didn't get it, that was ment to be exagerated. ;)

Somewhere in between, you forgot about Ken's hint that PS3 will be expensive ;^)
Because it seems to have been missed by so many people..

This all looks suspiciously like a regurgitation of the Hollywood Reporter article from sometime ago, wherein Stringer himself is not quoted as giving any such price range. A movie exec in the article does, and the journalist restates it, but there is no indication that Stringer said that!

I can already see the "Bbbb-but, Stringer said it'd be $300! Sony lies!" comments if Sony announces a $500 pricetag or something :p
> "Yes, and according to Bill Gates, Halo 3 will be out for the PS3 launch."

And all Halo 2 provided was a blip in Xbox sales, so how will Halo 3 make a difference? Halo will save the XBox 360 as much as Halo saved the current Xbox, which continues to get massively outsold by the inferior (performance wise) PS2.
Edge said:
> "Yes, and according to Bill Gates, Halo 3 will be out for the PS3 launch."

And all Halo 2 provided was a blip in Xbox sales, so how will Halo 3 make a difference? Halo will save the XBox 360 as much as Halo saved the current Xbox, which continues to get massively outsold by the inferior (performance wise) PS2.

I think PG2G was trying to say don't put every word that someone says behind it as 100% truth. Just because Ken K. says the PS3 will be expensive (which I still don't get being that $300 is expensive to lots of people), then that holds just as much weight as Bill Gates saying that Halo 3 will be out for the launch of the PS3 (which won't happen unless the game is truly ready).
If the CEO actually meant these things, that's great for consumers. We should all welcome it.

But you have to consider motivation. There's really no corporate strategic reason to talk about their price at this time except to make the competition look worse. If the CEO did say the comments stated, it's to head off the XBox 360. So you have to take anything Sony says at this time with a grain of salt. If Sony actually officially prices the PS3 greater than $400 later on, the only people who would complain that they so-called lied are people who follow this stuff. Most people wouldn't know that the CEO said $300-400. Just as when MS supposedly lied about the Xbox price/features, the mainstream media didn't make a big deal of it. So if Sony "underestimates" the numbers, it's really a no-lose situation for them. He might very well be accurate, but don't bet the farm on it.
Squeak said:
xbox, you're dead dude!

Lamest respond ever, 360 isn't dead, and how much of hit is sony gonna take just to keep the system at a low price point, it might hurt them more than trying to look good because they have a better price than 360.