Official Playstation 3 Price reveiled!



Sony's CEO, Sir Howard Stringer, said recently that Sony will sell the PS3 at a loss in order to populate the world with Sony's favored high-definition DVD standard, known as Blu-ray. If millions of Blu-ray PlayStations find their way into living rooms, Sony figures, movie studios will be compelled to embrace it over the rival standard, known as HD-DVD. Yes, brace yourself for another Betamax vs. VHS standards war.

Sir Howard said the PS3 will sell for $300 to $400 and will come with a bundle of games, movies, and TV shows, many of which Sony also makes. The question is whether the titles will be bundled on Blu-ray DVD discs or on a built-in hard drive.

Because the first standalone Blu-ray DVD players are expected to cost $1,000 or so, Sony is essentially giving a free next-generation DVD player to every PS3 customer. That eases the pain (a little bit) for people faced with buying new, high-def versions of their favorite DVDs.
Is anyone really surprised?

Who here honestly didn't believe Sony would launch the PS3 at the same price as the Xbox 360? Quick show of hands.
Wow man that was a bit unexpected :)

I wonder how much loss each console sold will bring
Sir Howard is announcing it, and not Kutaragi? Uh-oh. The other stuff was expected imo, but that's a serious mark of commitement on making PS3 a success from Sony's part, imo. That makes it more than "yet another wild vision" from Ken Kutaragi that doesn't properly fit in the company's agenda.

This sounds a lot like the statement he made to the Hollywood Reporter." Stringer said recently etc ...". At the time he was quoted as saying: "May retail for $300 - $400".
Xbox is dead because....

If Xbox has good games now and good games then.. whats the problem?? I dont expect it to sell more than Sony but it should sell more units than the origional Xbox and that should be fine.

Plus I would wait to see what exactly they release. Sony has done nothing but LIE their *beeps* off when talking abou their consoles and software before launches. Theya re about as deceitfull as they come.
Hardknock said:
This is old news, just reworded.

Has a Sony exec ever said that the PS3 would be released at $300-$400 price points?

I'm also taking the wait and see aproach. If this is true though, my wallet is crying tears of happiness.
hupfinsgack said:
Spidey 3?
People are already saying the typeface on the side of the PS3 comes from the spiderman title, so naturally that would be the case yes... :D

(Actually, it's not the same typeface, but people never let facts screw with their own wild assumptions... ;))
It is a little too early to be making announcements like this. The system is nearly a year away. There is no way they can know what the price will be. I hope this ends up being true because this would be best for the customer, however it just could be wishful thinking. Without knowing how much it will cost to mass produce this system, as well as the market prices at a year from now, I would label this as speculation. Though it could be very very solid speculation. I would love to see a 300-400 PS3.
Eleazar said:
It is a little too early to be making announcements like this. The system is nearly a year away.
:oops: 8 months worst case, surely. If they make a Spring Japan launch, that's less than 6 months
Eleazar said:
It is a little too early to be making announcements like this. The system is nearly a year away. There is no way they can know what the price will be. I hope this ends up being true because this would be best for the customer, however it just could be wishful thinking. Without knowing how much it will cost to mass produce this system, as well as the market prices at a year from now, I would label this as speculation. Though it could be very very solid speculation. I would love to see a 300-400 PS3.
Errr, you know this is the CEO of Sony telling this? I wouldnt count this as speculation, they surely have a very clear picture of the costs associated.
Besides, we dont know if Europe will be again bleeding for cheaper US-Prices like it was in the past( $500+ for PS2 anyone? ).
Harry Ola said:
This sounds a lot like the statement he made to the Hollywood Reporter." Stringer said recently etc ...". At the time he was quoted as saying: "May retail for $300 - $400".
do you have a reason behind hoping that the PS3 will cost more than Howard's price point?
Yeah, you would be right. I didn't realize it was that close. Do you know how long away from launch is normal for announcing the price? I also wouldn't call this official. Laslty, can we truly say this is official?