This One X+ looks very powerful. Does it have USB host? This thing is a computer, so it would be useful.
It should, beta Jelly Bean roms for the One X have it enabled, though the testers have only shown it connected to flash drives and hard drives.This One X+ looks very powerful. Does it have USB host? This thing is a computer, so it would be useful.
Isn't twice the performance of Tegra 3 still going to put it under pretty much every other SoC coming out in the next few months?
Samsung Exynos 5 series and Apple A6/A6X for example.
Since technologies developed within project Denver are universal, they will eventually span across the whole lineup of Nvidia products, from Tegra to GeForce to Quadro to Tesla. Obviously, Denver-derivatives may power next-generation game consoles as well.
6X Tegra 3..
The problem is that if it's 6x Tegra 3, then it can't be 20x Tegra 2, because Tegra 3 isn't 3.33x faster than Tegra 2.
At this stage and exclusively based on GLBenchmark2.5 results the Google Nexus 10 (T604) is by 2.77x times faster than the best Tegra3 GPU score and the Google Nexus 4 (Adreno320) by 2.55x time faster than T30. It's also interesting to note that the highest T30 is just a slight notch above the Adreno305 which I assume is clocked at around 400MHz just as the 320 (being a single cluster variant of the four cluster 320).This probably means that Tegra 4 is just some 3-4x faster than Tegra 3 in GPU performance: just barely enough to level with the Snapdragon's Adreno 320 in smartphones, but it will have a hard time dealing with the Mali T604 in Exynos 5 for tablets.
TI announcements state that they'll honor their OMAP5 design wins; no idea if there are any tablets amongst those. No idea about ST-E.However, with TI and ST-Ericsson apparently out of the game, Exynos being almost exclusive to Samsung and the demand for S4 Pro being too great for higher-priced smartphones, one can guess that Tegra 4 will be the SoC of choice for mid/high end tablets during 2013.
Using the exact same layout as the Tegra 3 diagram in a way that could easily be photoshopped and saying "6x graphics" with "72 cores" (i.e. 6 times Tegra 3's 12 cores) which doesn't fit Kepler at all makes this very suspicious. It could be right, but I don't buy it so far.