NVidia Maths

You may have noticed those of us laughing were former 3dfx owners. ;)
The way nVidia and Ati compute their power is misleading.
I made a thread in OT about the way graphics cards power is meaured and how unhappy I am with the way marketing works.

The thread was about how according to IHV's my wrist watch is capable of running Doom3.

Uttar said:
Compute power also includes fixed-purpose stuff, such as rasterization interpolation. Simply put, NVIDIA's slides are both correct, and laughing at it just proves your catastrophic understanding of the technology. Heck, they're even formulated in a technically accurate way! Sorry for having to be mean, but it's true :p

Slide leaks huh? Those NVidia slides are so bad.. it's not funny. Comparing an extremely limited product, which a few have.. and even fewer (mainly reviewers) that have two for SLI's sake.. that's a sad state of affairs.

The fact is, some of the same sites that accuse ATI of supply problems (and sometimes don't include those benchmarks), and still benchmark with hardware that NVidia has an extremely greater supply problem with...

I can understand the limited NVidia cards are faster.. but there's NO mention of image quality (as they are still lacking in that dept). Sure you can have 16xAA, but how good is it in reality? (It's just a marketing checkbox for the most part.) Then, there's just a lot of junk in it (but some points that have some validity)...

In any case.. there's so many flaws in that presentation.. I'm pretty sure ATI has some of their own already stating the missing points NVidia has failed to mention (and completely flawed on that end too).
Uttar said:
Compute power also includes fixed-purpose stuff, such as rasterization interpolation. Simply put, NVIDIA's slides are both correct, and laughing at it just proves your catastrophic understanding of the technology. Heck, they're even formulated in a technically accurate way! Sorry for having to be mean, but it's true :p


Well thats true, but it is still funny how nV plays numbers, well the entire computer industry does it ;). The slides are just a humerous outlet.
no-X said:
Why to praise GTX512, when GF7900 is expected to be released soon?

Actually, the thought I had after reading that is that GF7900 better smoke GTX512 pretty solidly across the board or they'll look a little silly themselves.

But then, hopefully it will (and with vastly better availability).
When has a competing company NOT said "better product coming soon!"

The Ati slides are just as funny as the nvidia slides. I actually look forward to seeing these :(
K.I.L.E.R said:
You may have noticed those of us laughing were former 3dfx owners. ;)
The way nVidia and Ati compute their power is misleading.
I made a thread in OT about the way graphics cards power is meaured and how unhappy I am with the way marketing works.

I have a Creative Labs Voodoo2 though, on the box it says : "50 billions operations per second".
but I agree. ever seen Steve Jobs presenting the Geforce3 ? (just before Carmack demoes for 1st the doom3 engine, running on a G4 1Ghz under Mac OSX; that's why I saw that). He says the geforce 3 does 56 gigaflops. What does that mean, we'll never know.
The slides are silly, but so are many things. I hate it when they cherry pick benchmarks and then say "ours is the best!!!1!1!" :D I do hope that a 7900 comes out soon to drive down the price of the older cards at least. I am looking forward to a card like the x1800 for <$200 that would be nice.
Guden Oden said:
Is that really done with float precision tho?
It has to be able to be done in FP32, otherwise there's no point having FP32 non-const inputs in the pixel shader ;)

Marketing/PR slides from all sides are always great to have a good laugh at.
Maybe he was refering to the amount of backflips it could do? :p :LOL:

Blazkowicz_ said:
I have a Creative Labs Voodoo2 though, on the box it says : "50 billions operations per second".
but I agree. ever seen Steve Jobs presenting the Geforce3 ? (just before Carmack demoes for 1st the doom3 engine, running on a G4 1Ghz under Mac OSX; that's why I saw that). He says the geforce 3 does 56 gigaflops. What does that mean, we'll never know.
I thought the slides on the single GTX 512 completely unrelated to overall reality, the Sli points did have the odd truth in them though.

What does this mean ?

"Entire ecosystem of compatible products "

What's it referring to that Ati do not have ?

Looks like Quad SLi is going to be out in the open soon then with not just driver support from Asus on their own cards and that Dell system. If they can make the 7900GT version cheap enough then 4(2x2)x 7900 GT might be just be affordable to the more wealthy gamer.
dizietsma said:
I thought the slides on the single GTX 512 completely unrelated to overall reality, the Sli points did have the odd truth in them though.

What does this mean ?

"Entire ecosystem of compatible products "

What's it referring to that Ati do not have ?

Err. . .customers? :cool:

Oh, okay, more seriously. . .back on a previous slide they refer to 200+ certified applications, 110 certified partners, and 200+ certified products. I suspect that's what they meant by "entire ecosystem".
geo said:
Err. . .customers? :cool:

Oh, okay, more seriously. . .back on a previous slide they refer to 200+ certified applications, 110 certified partners, and 200+ certified products. I suspect that's what they meant by "entire ecosystem".

Yes you're probably right.

I don't think this one is as good as ATi's last effort where they quite rightly ( with hindsight and IMO ) claimed the 512 GTX was a spoiler. This one seemed more in the realms of Dan Brown.