Nvidia 780a SLI / Hybrid Power

can you select which gpu a game will run on ?
for example if it doesnt work properly on your discrete gpu
is the 9600GT really incompatible? that's a disappointment to me.
the other problem being the chipset was much delayed so I couldn't build my system around it.

else, besides quirks the results are as good as expected.

-> Davros : auto-switching doesn't work for now anyway. but if you can switch from the command-line then at least you could, by launching a game with a script, make it to run on the right GPU. I do this to force gamma in Half-Life/CounterStrike 1.5 and Quake 1 , thanks to Rivatuner's launcher allowing to create shortcuts for stuff as res and gamma modes. Indeed it would be nice of Rivatuner to support the feature.
And ideally there should be integration with nvidia game profiles.
Hybrid power is very interesting for me. In theory. If if works. The idle power consumption in that graph looks a little whacky though. I can't see what the test setup is (TR appears to be broken). 111W is a *lot* of power to just run a CPU, RAM and hard-drive. Is it over-clocked up the wazoo or something? :???: