NVIDA 90nm GPU is selling allready!!!

2 pipelines, damn. :???:

Was thinking one of these would make a nice core for a slim little A64 rig, but now I doubt performance will be quite up to scratch. Guess reviews will be up soon.
Anand has already posted numbers. While faster than Xpress 200, it's still meh.
Pete said:
Anand has already posted numbers. While faster than Xpress 200, it's still meh.

Being faster than the Xpress 200 is the only reason for its existence :) (and to bring in the $$ too of course).
Its kind of a curious situation they have left themselve in here. Gaming performance is not really what these boards are about, its Vista performance that is telling - Vista's interface is Shader 2, but with SM3.0 NVIDIA are paying for some feature overhead. RS600/RS680 are suppesed to be "X700" based, which is obviously Shader 2 - presumably ATI will take what they save from not adopting shader 3 and increase the number of pipelines.
Dave Baumann said:
Its kind of a curious situation they have left themselve in here. Gaming performance is not really what these boards are about, its Vista performance that is telling - Vista's interface is Shader 2, but with SM3.0 NVIDIA are paying for some feature overhead. RS600/RS680 are suppesed to be "X700" based, which is obviously Shader 2 - presumably ATI will take what they save from not adopting shader 3 and increase the number of pipelines.

I don't really see what they'd be enthusiastic about keeping around from NV3x times, for a SM2.0 IGP part just to have no feature overhead (I don't buy that that'd be a realistic factor either even if they had good performance SM2.0 and 3.0 parts out in parallel, really), for a million and one reasons and certainly not any that are marketing led.

And, IMHO, it's not the only non-gaming IGP that'll have 'feature overhead' come Vista, either.
That was what I was getting at. Frankly, if RS600/680 is Shader 2.x based then, Avivo aside, I can see little point in it if they aren't going to increase the number of pipelines.
Dave Baumann said:
That was what I was getting at. Frankly, if RS600/680 is Shader 2.x based then, Avivo aside, I can see little point in it if they aren't going to increase the number of pipelines.

Ah! I took what you said the other way around. Gotcha now :smile:
it's a Turbocache without cache, isn't it? :)

two pipes at 425 or 475MHz still isn't bad IMHO. Imagine getting this in a low-cost notebook instead of the terrible Intel Exxtreme Graphics.
Anything is better than Intel graphics. I have seen strong penetration of ATI chipsets recently at brick and motar stores, hopefully the C51 will have a similar situation.