Don't accuse me of moderating.
I'm not. I'm accusing you of armchair moderating. Or is your post not intended to dissuade or prevent people from making certain types of posts?
I'm calling the collective you out for talking out of your asses on topics you don't know dick about.
Yes, I agree that quite a few of the comments here do not have much of a basis. That being said, there are also quite a few comments that don't require a "degree" to be relevant. (Large board size can be a hindrance to some motherborads, etc.)
It is the duty of the "informed" to educate the poor, hapless, collective. So instead of just posting flame bait, (at people who did not first insult you), is perhaps not the best way to get your point across.
Saying "its bigger so it must be worse" is simple minded and wrong.
From a "product quality" perspective, I agree. From a consumer perspective, bigger is worse.
In the end though, one does have to wonder why nVidia consistently puts out larger PCBs for their products than ATI does. (My guess, nVidia doesn't spend as much R&D effort on PCBs than ATI does.) Before we have seen the size of these cards, which one would you have GUESSED to be on a larger PCB...the 9700 or the NV30, based on specs alone?