Hmmm.... combine that with HDMI CEC support to automatically switch to the 360's input when a command is received (and then back when you're done), and that could be very usefully. Ordering a pizza, buying the DVD (or Live version!) for a TV show you just watched, the possibilities are quite exciting. Particularlly if they could add standby mode support for it (similar to current downloads in standby).
Then the order screen will randomly pop up from time to time, and you'd have to get rid of it every time.
I used to have a setup like that, plus an automated agent observing my Mac desktop activities in the background. It would try to generalize these activities and generate scripts automatically. If I approve the scripts, they get executed on demand, or whenever the agent sees fit. The system was also integrated with a telephony API so that I could call out and receive calls using voice command. It could interact with me using a reasonably good, but not great, synthesized speech system (It sang too !). It knew how to adjust its tone when asking a question (because of the "?").
After looking at the Vista speech recognition demo video, I don't think we are there yet. It looks so painfully familiar.
We'll probably get there some day. For now, it should be possible to predefine and share a common task list (e.g., order pizza, call daddy, ...), and then do the right task on demand (rather than let the PS3 or 360 catch the right note "off the air" on its own -- if you want to avoid the hassle of correcting computers every day). I was elated the first few weeks, but gave up eventually.
When not oversold, voice tech can be intriguing. Some of my favorites are:
* Ocarina on iPhone -- play iPhone like a flute (or listen to others play their iPhone Ocarina)
* Sing using your favorite star's voice (Can't remember what app)
* Identify and buy song by humming or listening to a playback
There are probably many other interesting apps out there waiting to be discovered.