Anyway, comparing a launch to any normal period of sales is completely ridiculous. Launch is a period of the most pent up demand.
For games sure there's a fairly limited window of opportunity for most games.
But for console hardware it's hardly unusual for console sales to increase after launch. X360 is certainly selling far more per month than it was in it's first year after launch for example. Wii as well greatly increased sales in following months versus launch. PS3 and PS2 as well.
Yes for the first full 30/31 days of sales the 3DS obviously won't be hitting 100k per day otherwise that would be an absolutely ridiculous 3 million per month. But that doesn't discount the fact that it is currently quite handily outselling the DS. And that after 30 days worth of sales it should handily surpass 30 days worth of DS sales. Whether it surpasses the first 30 days of DS launch sales is up in the air, but I have a feeling it could.