NPD February 2017 Sales Results

What pray tell, deals were those? Didn't PS4 have a cut to $250 for much of February in fact while Xbox did not?

Actually I had forgotten about that cut, it may explain part of PS4's good showing, although I dont think it needs much explaining since it was similar to February 2016 results. Since then they also have launched Pro and PSVR, two huge hardware launches.

Sony is definitely in a position of strength until Scorpio comes out due to Pro. However Switch could obscure some of that momentum by winning some or even all of the months until Scorpio.

It looks to have been just less than two weeks
What pray tell, deals were those? Didn't PS4 have a cut to $250 for much of February in fact while Xbox did not?

Actually I had forgotten about that cut, it may explain part of PS4's good showing, although I dont think it needs much explaining since it was similar to February 2016 results. Since then they also have launched Pro and PSVR, two huge hardware launches.

Sony is definitely in a position of strength until Scorpio comes out due to Pro. However Switch could obscure some of that momentum by winning some or even all of the months until Scorpio.
You do realize the XB1 had a similar price cut in February to counter the PS4's, right? It ran from the 17th to 25th. Granted, shorter than the PS4's two week period, but that alone would not explain the supposedly large gap
Another explanation is more game for PS4 in February.
Not really a good one. Despite charting in the top 10, Nioh is still an incredibly niche game and you can bet it wasn't a system seller in the grand scheme of things. Keep in mind that Horizon and Nier will be counted in March NPD instead
Not really a good one. Despite charting in the top 10, Nioh is still an incredibly niche game and you can bet it wasn't a system seller in the grand scheme of things. Keep in mind that Horizon and Nier will be counted in March NPD instead

I am not sure about Nier Automata because maybe Ni Oh will maybe be a bigger game but Horizon for sure will probably have an impact.
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I am not sure about Nier Automata because maybe Ni Oh willmaybe be a bigger game but Hoirzon for sure will probably have an impact.
No offense at all, but this is another case of applying the hardcore gamer interests in mainstream appeal. The truth is most Japanese AAA games are incredibly niche in the US market. Nioh, Nier, Yazuka 0 all might have had a significant impact to hardware sales in Japan, but in the US, it is minimal to negligible. If anything, For Honor was a far larger pull for the mainstream than Nioh
No offense at all, but this is another case of applying the hardcore gamer interests in mainstream appeal. The truth is most Japanese AAA games are incredibly niche in the US market. Nioh, Nier, Yazuka 0 all might have had a significant impact to hardware sales in Japan, but in the US, it is minimal to negligible. If anything, For Honor was a far larger pull for the mainstream than Nioh

I know Nier Automata will not have an impact in US Sales out of Japan and France (my country), it will have a minor impact. I think the only exclusive game with a possible significant impact on sales is Horizon Zero Dawn...
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I know Nier Automata will not have an impact in US Sales out of Japan and France (my country), it will have a minor impact. I think the only exclusive game with a possible signififant impact on sales is Horizon Zero Dawn...
Yes, pretty much this. Of all the PS4's exclusives in Q1, only Horizon will be a significant system seller in the US because it appeals to the mainstream audience. To add, looking at the PAL charts, Mass Effect Andromeda opened worse than Horizon in the UK. I would therefore like to predict that we will see a similar situation in the US where Horizon outsells ME:A. Also, the former seems to have decent legs while the latter will probably have poor legs due to the mixed reception and online outrage over the bad facial animations
You do realize the XB1 had a similar price cut in February to counter the PS4's, right? It ran from the 17th to 25th. Granted, shorter than the PS4's two week period, but that alone would not explain the supposedly large gap

I recall it was a week late response to Sony's cut. Still ran 1 week vs 2 though if you are correct.
I recall it was a week late response to Sony's cut. Still ran 1 week vs 2 though if you are correct.
9 days versus two full weeks, yes. But consider this, if the XB1S still had the momentum some claimed would continue even after the holidays, we shouldn't be seeing a 150K+ gap in a month like February. Also, please read my posts above before bringing up Nioh.
Resident Evil was a late January release - maybe some Feb sales from that? Or it could just be all the releases adding up (twice as many on PS4 vs XBO)
I didn't claim Xbox would have any momentum. I'm very surprised that S moved the needle at all, and that it held up so far as well as it did against Pro and VR.
Although I think it's fair to measure ps4=ps4+4pro to x1, it would still be interesting to know what the ps4 breakdown is.
How much difference did the 4pro make if any.
Do we ever get an indication of the split?
Resident Evil was a late January release - maybe some Feb sales from that? Or it could just be all the releases adding up (twice as many on PS4 vs XBO)
Well, we don't know the exact figures, but it's fair to say that RE7 at least had decent legs going into February. Most titles see a 70-80% drop from week one sales in the following week, so RE7 ending up second on the top ten charts is quite impressive and indicative that it held up well.

I didn't claim Xbox would have any momentum. I'm very surprised that S moved the needle at all, and that it held up so far as well as it did against Pro and VR.
Why are you comparing XB1S to the Pro in the first place? The bulk of sales on PS4 is still coming from the "fat" and slim models. Why? Because as I said before, price is by far the most important factor when we're talking about SKU's of the same brand. Hence, you expecting the Scorpio to "change the market substantially" is just ridiculous. The XB1S will still form the bulk of the console's sales, just as it is with the PS4 Slim and Pro.
^You're new around here. :D
Rangers thinks power is the most important factor to success.

Me, I think price and brand awareness are more important, the latter arguably more so.

Also, while Nioh is a niche title, it is one of quite a few solid titles released on PS4 that helped with HW sales. People see Nioh getting great reviews; and NieR, Horizon and MLB The Show releasing soon... suddenly a temporary price drop looks very appealing.
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^You're new around here. :D
Rangers thinks power is the most important factor to success.

Me, I think price and brand awareness are far more important, the latter arguably more so.

Also, while Nioh is a niche title, it is one of quite a few solid titles released on PS4 that helped with HW sales. People see Nioh getting great reviews; and NieR, Horizon and MLB The Show releasing soon... suddenly a temporary price drop looks very appealing.
Oh, well, his posts make more sense now, I guess, heh. Wonder if Rangers also sang a similar tune about the PS4 Pro before it released, then. ;)

Brand awareness is certainly one of the most important factors to a console selling well too. It's why the PS4 is selling incredibly well in Europe while the XB1 is so far behind. PlayStation as a brand has a very strong presence in most countries in Europe, leading to virtually very little to no competition, UK excluded. However, in my earlier posts, I was referring simply to base and premium models of the same console, so brand awareness has nothing to do with it, since we are talking about the same brand. In this case, price is key. Most mainstream gamers are not about to shell out $100-$150 more just for checkboarded resolution, assuming they even know what it is.

As for Nioh, if we are talking anecdotal evidence, sure, there are a small group of people who bought a PS4 for Nioh. In the grand scheme of things, that minority is 5% at best. As I said earlier, when it comes to the mainstream, For Honor had a lot more pull, being a Ubisoft game and all