Notebook resolution and LCD screen quality - SXGA or UXGA?


With a new notebook with an M10 in it, is it worth getting a UXGA 16.1 inch display? I would be content with a SXGA 1280x1024 because that would be above what I use my 17inch desktop now at 1024x768.

I just keep thinking the 1600x1200 is way too much, besides the gaming graphics looking good, it would make text way smaller, and hard to read. Having 1280x1024 a native resolution seems best for games as well.

Will a SXGA 16.1" display be better quality than a desktop 17"(16 viewable) display at 1024x768? Considering games mainly...

Also, are notebook LCD screens increasing in quality? I cannot find any reviews, guides or any info on where technology is going for them and how often they increase in quality.